Multi level marketing online business
What difference does it make to you if the sales person in a say group of a hundred you'd hire makes you the most money? Whether on top of the list or on the bottom, does it matter? It doesn't, the money is the same isn't it. So, thats what multi marketing is but you can do it all online.
You don't need to hire a bunch of people and all that associated overhead, grief, workcomp, office space, wasteful sales meetings, coffee clutches and 5 tons of excuses. Select the business that makes sense to you and then find companies that market you service or products.
Implement a marketing system these opportunity companies show you and start the prospecting process to find your " sales crew if you will". Once found, you can train them online, occasional conference call, and communicate mostly by email. No muss no fuss. So why all the grief the old fashion way?
Because people don't like to make change or learn new tricks. But for those of you that are still willing to make changes, there are some really great opportunities available and eliminate that that overhead and more importantly the daily on going never grind.
After years of self employment in the old dirt world we've had enough! So network marketing, mlm, affiliate marketing all boils down to the same thing. You make money and overrides from the efforts of others. So what's new? We've been doing this for hundred's of years. It's just that today we use modern technology and trim the fat. We're never too old to make a few adjustments.
The companies that use internet and online tactics need us to help duplicate the effort and that's great. They've gone through the hassles, trials, experimentation and costs to give us a roadmap that works. They also developed the services or product for us as well.
What else could we possibly need? I have friends who've spent tons of money in their businesses and I know others who work at home having fun, not all stressed out using multi level marketing tactics and make 3 to 6 times the money. If there's ever a time, this is it!
More on multi level marketing online
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