Sunday, January 27, 2008 

Breast Cancer: Know Your Risk Factors, the Signs and Symptoms and What to Do About It

All women, essentially, are at some degree of risk for developing breast cancerconsidering that breast cancer is the most common cancer among North American women and that one in seven women either has it or will get it in their lifetime.

But some women have a higher risk of contracting breast cancer than others, and thats why its important for all women to assess their individual risks.

There is no single cause of breast cancer, but some factors seem to increase the risk of developing it.

The risk is increased the older you are, if you had your first child after the age of 30 (or no children at all) and if you have a family history of breast cancer, especially a mother, sister or daughter. Other minor, suggested risk factorssome of which have not been fully documented or studiedinclude previous breast disorders, early first menstruation, dense breast tissue, use of combination birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (with both estrogen and progestin), a diet high in fat and alcohol and not breastfeeding or exercising.

If youre a woman who has assessed a higher personal risk of developing breast cancer, you need to know what to watch for; the first signs and symptoms of the disease.

The first sign of breast cancer is normally a lump, a spot or other abnormality on the breast, usually felt by you first or seen on a mammogram (an x-ray of the breast) before you can even feel it. The lump is also constantly present, may feel hard, tender and unusual and like its attached to your skin.

Additional signs and symptoms of early breast cancer include other lumps, spots or abnormalities of the breast or nipple, such as a lump in the armpit, an inverted nipple, nipple discharge or eczema-type symptoms on the nipple, and irregular changes in the size, shape and skin of the breast.

Early detection is key. One way to help out with early detection is to learn how to do a breast self-examinationand to do them regularly. Breast self-exams basically allow you to get to know your particular breasts and how they look and feel normally, so you are better prepared to detect any unusual changes.

Mammograms and clinical breast examinations, which are done by doctors, are usually considered more reliable than self-exams. Mammograms arent recommended until women are a bit older (into their 40s and 50s, although slightly younger if a womans personal risk factor is higher), but clinical breast exams can, and should, be done sooner and more regularly.

At the first sign of what may appear to be breast cancer, and even if its not, its important for women to talk to their doctor right away. The sooner breast cancer is detected, the sooner it can be treated, and the greater chance of survival.

Will Hanke runs Breast Cancer First Sign - an informational website about breast cancer symptoms, causes and cures.

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The 12 Steps Based on Eastern Wisdom

Step One

We admitted that we were bound by the illusion of ego-created pleasures and that our life was full of suffering.

Step one allows an individual to admit and recognize what is controlling his/her life. It is a chance for the person to become aware of the immense control that the ego has in their life and what this demanding control is causing in regards to the self-created suffering. This awareness is necessary in order to initiate the process of internal growth and recovery from the demands of the ego.

Step Two

Came to believe that the universal consciousness, that pervades the cosmos and resides within our being, could restore us to our true nature and eliminate suffering.

This step allows one to tap into that which has all power the universal consciousness. This source will allow for connection with the pure-self and the true nature of the universe. This restores the individual to pure-thought and right-action in order to get rid of self-created suffering and karma.

Step Three

Made a decision to detach from our insatiable ego and the illusory world and connect to the pure consciousness of the universe.

This step is about taking the initiative to begin searching for the true-self and detaching from the illusion of the ego. Once this decision has been made practice of meditation begins. This is a crucial step upon our journey because it gives us hope that there is something else besides the world of boundaries and limitations.

Step Four

Contemplated and expressed in written form our desires, fears, regrets, and attachments of the ego without judgment.

This is a vital step, which requires meditative and analytical thought about the nature of our worldly life without passing judgment on the past. We begin to realize that these actions were part of our illusion of what reality was and realize that now through meditation and growing awareness that we DO NOT have to act this way again.

Step Five

Allowed ourselves to become fully aware of our egoic attachments and delusions in an accepting manner.

This is when we look at all the past actions and currents attachments of step four and recognize the true reality of the illusion. We now are able to let go of the past and live in the present moment with full awareness.

Step Six

We were entirely ready to let go of the delusions of the mind and surrender to the omnipresent universal source.

This step is the letting go of the illusions of the past and creating a commitment to surrender and practice the principles of eastern wisdom. It is important to state our readiness for change and acknowledge it within our self, as well as the universe around us.

Step Seven

Contemplated and gained awareness of our shortcomings without judging or condemning ourselves, but allow total acceptance and forgiveness of these ego created quandaries.

This step is crucial for one to accept that they are not their ego or minds. We can overcome our shortcomings and come to know our true self, which, is the perfection of pure consciousness.

Step Eight

Began to nurture and practice compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others who we harmed by our past actions.

This step focuses on relieving guilt and regret for the past and beginning now to realize that those actions do not define the self. Also discussed concerning this step would be the ability to eliminate suffering based on karma by right actions and right thoughts in the present moment where reality exists.

Step Nine

Directly apologized with compassion and sincerity to ourselves and to those we directly and indirectly harmed.

This is an action step that allows us to explicitly offer our amends to ourselves and those we may have harmed in our past. This step is a continuation of step eight and allows the guilt and regret to further diminish and eventually be released fully in order for us to immerse ourselves in the present moment.

Step Ten

Continued to seek awareness of our true self and practice right thought and right action in each moment of our lives.

This step focuses on becoming aware of ourselves on a daily basis and beginning to live our lives fully and sincerely in each moment based on the true nature of reality.

Step Eleven

Sought through the practice of mindfulness and meditation to improve our connection with the universal consciousness.

This step is meant to be practiced on a daily basis to improve awareness and detachment from the egos desires. This step will help one maintain recovery and stay focused on the illuminating truth of the universe.

Step Twelve

Having become one with the universal source we continued to practice these principles in each moment of our life, acting as models for those seeking the peace and tranquility of these steps.

Finally, this step discusses the continuation of these steps in our moment to moment existence and to share this way of life with others that inhabit this world. To share this wisdom with others is the primary goal of these 12 steps, which in turn benefits the individual as well as the universe as a whole.

My hope is that through the application of these steps at least one human being can discover the principle truth of the universe and escape the suffering of the egos demands and desires.

Copyright 2006-- Richard A Singer Jr.

About the author: Richard A. Singer Jr. is a practicing psychotherapist living in the Cayman Islands. He is formerly of Pennsylvania and has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. His daily inspirations have been included as part of Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul, from the bestselling Chicken Soup series. His own recovery from addiction impassioned him to help others find courage, determination and peace, and has made what some would call "work" the love and purpose of his life. To learn more about Mr. Singer, visit his Web site, or E-Mail him at

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Benefit of Physical Fitness

With all of the media attention about health, most people are very much aware of the overall benefit of physical fitness and being physically fit. However, knowing the overall benefit and understanding the details of how it affects your body are two totally different things. So the purpose of this article is to provide you with the specific benefits of how physical fitness affects your health, your body, and your life. And, one of the easiest ways to show you is by breaking down the benefits in terms of the 5 components of physical fitness. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but it is definitely enough to help you see the tremendous benefit of physical fitness.

The benefits of cardiovascular fitness:

- Enables you to handle the seemingly endless daily activities required to get you through the day
- Strengthens the heart
- Conditions heart and lungs by increasing oxygen available to the body and enables heart to use oxygen more efficiently
- Helps to increase resistance to fatigue
- Gives extra energy
- Tones muscles
- Decreases tension
- Sleep better
- Decreases depression and anxiety
- More able to handle stress
- Reduces risk of coronary heart disease and some forms of cancer
- Strengthen bones
- Increases lung capacity
- Decreases blood pressure
- Decreases body fat percentage (lose weight)

Since these next two components are not the same but go together for most people, we will combine their benefits. The benefits of muscular endurance and muscular strength:

- Abdominal endurance helps prevent low back problems
- Improves body fat percentage
- Increases metabolism
- Helps to maintain your bone structure
- Decreases resting blood pressure
- Improves cholesterol levels
- Increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- Increases natural human growth hormone (HGH) which in itself is known to boost sexual potency, improve sleep, improve memory, and decrease wrinkles
- Increases testosterone
- Better looking physical appearance and improves self-image
- Increases self-esteem
- Reduces constant muscle loss (atrophy) as you age
- Increases athletic or sport performance

The benefits of flexibility fitness:

- Helps to better cope with daily activities.
- Essential to protecting joints and keeping them healthy
- Helps to strengthen your back to prevent low back pain
- Reduces the appearance and effects of arthritis
- Reduces muscle-tendon injuries
- Improves your posture
- Increases range of motion around joints
- Decreases the chance of muscle strains and pulls and ligaments tears
- Maintains body balance
- Helps to recover quicker from sport injury
- Get out of bed without being stiff and sore
- Decreases muscle soreness (from exercise or activities)

The benefit of body composition:

- Body composition is useful in determining health risks.
- Doing the right types of exercises will help you decrease fat and increase or maintain muscle
- Excessive body fat detracts from the other fitness components, reduces performance, detracts from appearance, negatively affects your health
- When the body fat ratio is high, you are considered over weight or even obese
- A high fat ratio is a sign of a greater chance of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes, joint and back pains, arthritis and higher risk of tendon-muscular accidents and injuries due to inactivity

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is by no means an exhaustive list, but it is a great start for your understanding. As a matter of fact, one of the biggest and most important benefits is what being healthy and physically fit can do for you mentally. A few things were mentioned above about the mental benefits but the impact is much greater.

When youre physically fit, sure your body feels great and physically you look good, but the mental benefits are absolutely priceless. Imagine having the peace of mind to handle life, the everyday events, and just whatever comes your way without letting it wear you down. In addition, you feel sharper and think more clearly.

Getting started with fitness is easy, because you can start by doing something every day of the week or just once a week and work your way up to at least three days a week for just 20 minutes a day. It doesnt matter, because the key is to start somewhere anywhere. Just start! I promise you will never regret it.

One of the absolute best sources of information that Ive found for completely understanding the benefit of physical fitness exercises is RIGHT HERE

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Becoming a Pilot

This article explains the four main methods for becoming an airline pilot from having zero hours. I will give the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Please note I am basing this on people who wish to learn to fly in the UK. Prices are probably different in other places.

Method 1 Going to a flying school

You could simply go to a flying school and do the entire course in one hit. That will take you from having zero hours to a frozen ATPL within a year. The advantage with doing this is that you can get it all done quickly. Also airlines prefer pilots who learnt via this route as long as it is with a good flying school because they know they did an intensive course. But unfortunately this route involves a lot of money. It can cost from 60,000 to 80,000, which is a lot for many people.

If you do chose this route then be sure to join a recommended flying school that the airlines recruit from because you want to get a job when your done.

Method 2 Joining the RAF (or other air force) first

Airlines quite often recruit ex air force pilots because they have had years of experience. If you wish to experience flying fast jets in the air force before going into the airlines then this method is great for you. But you will have to commit yourself to a minimum service and many people wouldnt like that.

I looked into this route and found that RAF pilots dont earn much. The figures I received in my RAF introduction pack stated 30,000 to 37,000 per year.

But one of the great things is you can get a lot of training and many hours of flying for free (apart from the fact that you will be sent to war). I suggest only follow this route if you really want to be in the RAF. If you do chose this route then the option of becoming an airline pilot waits at the other end.

Method 3 Learning to fly in addition to studying a degree

This is the method that I am currently taking. There are several degree courses at British universities (this might happen elsewhere in the world) that include pilot training in addition. One such course is aerospace engineering with pilot training at Liverpool, UK. This is the course that I am doing.

The advantages are that it costs less than the traditional flying school route at about 40,000 for Liverpool. Remember the university costs are in addition to this. Also at the end of the course you will have a degree and a frozen ATPL. This means you have an excellent qualification that could be used in later life. But it takes much longer at about 4 years for the course that I am taking. Method 4 Sponsorship by an airline

I have left this method till last because there arent many sponsorship programs around at the moment. Also if there are any they will be very competitive to get on. With this route an airline will train you to fly and then you will have to work for them for a minimum period.

This sounds like a good option but remember that the demand for pilots isnt great at the moment so airlines dont need to create these sponsorship programs. Just to give you an idea Ryan Air is charging pilots 30,000 for the class rating to fly their own aircraft. That just shows that they arent having problems getting pilots.

Well those are the main routes to becoming an airline pilot. I know it was only a brief description of each but it gives you an idea. If you are serious about becoming an airline pilot then do plenty of research first. Good Luck and achieve your dream like I am currently doing!

Peter Weeks' blog, "A Pilot's Life", is a diary of his flying experiences and also features information for wannabie pilots and commentary on recent aviation news.

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Small Business Health Insurance Plans

Group health insurance plans are especially beneficial for small businesses. Any business or organization employing between 2 and 50 people can opt for a group health insurance plan. These plans have become all the more relevant, since healthcare costs have been rising in the US. This poses a major challenge for prospective small businesses, as they have to find affordable health insurance benefits for their employees. Good health insurance benefits can help you retain valuable talent while at the same time being a draw for new aspirants.

Features of Group Insurance Plans:

Group health insurance plans work by spreading the financial risk between the members of the scheme. Individual members of the group pay less for the same type and amount of coverage. The rates are calculated as a whole for the group. The factors taken into account are age, health status, and occupational hazards, amongst others. These may vary in different states and amongst different companies. While there is no change to the basic policy format for the whole group, you may be able to get better coverage by negotiating add-ons and riders to meet specific requirements.

Small business heath insurance policies are offered in many formats, e.g. HMO, PPO, POS, and fee-for-service. Managed care plans are more affordable than group indemnity policies and are therefore more popular.

Designing the Plan:

Do have a clear objective in place when purchasing a health insurance plan or your small business? The plan should meet the needs of the company and its employees. Carry out extensive research before making the purchase.

The insurance company will need information on the type of coverage you are seeking, age and health profile of the group members. While not required as per the law, you may extend the coverage to the spouse or dependents and pay a percentage of the cost. The accuracy of the information you provide will determine the accuracy of the quote. You will then be able to choose from various policy and payment options. The employer pays some percentage of an employees individual premium, approximately between 25% and 50%.

Premiums have grown manifold in recent years due to an aging population, rising cost of medicines and adverse publicity and backlash against managed healthcare. However, the situation is not entirely without hope as a number of companies still offer a variety of choice of plans. The local chamber of commerce can be of considerable help in finding about prospective alliances in your area.

Small business health insurance plans diversify the financial risk amongst members of the group and lower costs. You can also get better coverage for your employees. They have become an essential part of your business plan due to rising healthcare costs. Do buy a plan that meets the needs of your company and the employees.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

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