Thursday, November 22, 2007 

E-book Theft - Protecting What is Rightfully Yours

After several months working on your latest e-book, you breathe a sigh of relief as you finish editing the last line. Finally, you click on the PDF converter, and within seconds, you have a formatted e-book.

Since you finished editing the sales page on your web site two weeks ago, theres nothing to do but upload your e-book, and wait for the enormous earnings to roll in, right?

Even if your e-book is a promising as your ambitions for it, someone could still steal your profits the minute it goes online. The theft of digital products continues to skyrocket yearly. So, unless you securely protect your e-book distribution, those profits could sneak out the back door.

A Perfect World

Imagine if Mercedes Benz had someone steal their design plans. Afterwards, the thief packaged it as an e-book and showed how the average person could have one built by another company for only $1,500. Which company do you think most people would approach for a new Mercedes?

What if your local bank didnt have any tellers or security guards, but left the money on tables, and placed posters on the walls asking customers to make their transactions honestly? Do you think your bank would be in business for long?

As silly as these examples might seem, many writers continue to lose hard earned money because they assume that by placing a copyright inside their e-books, it will deter theft. Or, they feel that most customers are sincere, and would automatically pay for their books.

Unfortunately, e-book theft is even rampant in countries that have tough copyright laws, and you can forget about those countries where copyright laws are either lax or nonexistent.

As writers, we need to protect our work from hackers, crackers and other Internet thieves. With the capacity to transfer files at the speed of thought through the Internet, its necessary to have a secure method in place to create and deliver your e-books.

Public Trust

For me, it comes down to economics over ethics, says one Colorado State University sophomore, when asked if she thought it was acceptable to download someones e-book without paying for it. With everything that I need to pay these days, Im willing to cut corners wherever I can. Shes not alone.

In a recent study conducted by IDC for the Business Software Alliance, Two-thirds of college and university students surveyed see nothing unethical about swapping or downloading digital copyrighted files -- software, music and movies -- without paying for them. Also, more than half -- 52 percent -- think it is also acceptable behavior in the workplace.

Internet piracy is not only crippling the recording industry, its also affecting every company and individual who sells downloadable products over the Internet. With those staggering figures, its easy to understand how much money an author could lose.

Where Thefts Occur

Thefts can begin directly from your webpage. Some hackers are able to find your e-book download page because of lack of web site security. Other places where you might check for illegal copies of your e-book:

eBay Many crooks like to place your item for a quick bid. By starting with a low bid, theyre guaranteed to make some fast sales. If theyve been selling items on e-Bay regularly, they have the opportunity to sell multiple copies of your e-book at a fixed price. You might want to browse the book categories to see if someone is selling your e-book under the same title, or even a new title.

Online forums and bulletin boards Some of these sites have over 100,000 members. These groups exist only to provide free software, e-books and scripts to their members. Although some charge a membership fee, the majority allow unlimited access to files which members upload on sites such as,, Within a few days, thousands of users could download your e-book on their computers, without paying for them!

Personal Web Sites There are even those who are not interested in auctioning off your book, or giving it away on a forum. These people will copy your web site, upload it to another server, and then sell your book as their own. The inventive ones will even change the name of the author, the e-book and even the links you have inside. Even if you password protect a PDF file against editing and copying, there are software programs that will automatically remove the password protection, enabling anyone to change the authors name and other information in your e-book.

Friends Sometimes, its only someone sharing their e-books with friends and family. Its probably similar to a person renting a DVD from Blockbuster and then allowing others to make copies. In the end, it cuts into the profits.


Unlike audio and video CDs, you can protect e-books against 99.9% of theft. Here are some of the security benefits of these top software picks:

1. eBook Pro -

2. Virtual Vault -

eBook Pro Benefits

Connects to an online server the first time users register the software and checks to see if that person has bought your e-book, which prevents a customer from sharing the e-book with others.

It deactivates any e-book from right inside the software. This is good if you offer a money-back guarantee, as it stops customers from using the e-book after they ask for a refund.

You can stop users from copy and pasting your information

You can disable the print features.

eBook Pro requires Internet Explorer 4.0 (or higher). The cost is $197. After you register 1000 e-books, you will need to pay $0.10 for each additional registration (this isnt a problem if youre selling that many e-books).

Virtual Vault Benefits

It provides total protection from all types of thieves and freebie-seekers.

You can try it for 30 days for only $2.95

It locks any PDF file, software app. and .exe e-book - saves as a .exe file

You can stop users from copy and pasting your information

You can disable the print features.

Virtual Vault charges a $24.95 monthly access fee. What makes this program so sweet is that it protects PDF files, too. Most authors prefer this format because its easy to compile, and works for PC and MAC users.

One misconception of e-book authors is that if you password protect a PDF file against document changes or printing, its safe from changes. Unfortunately, there are many programs that remove these restrictions within seconds. This allows entrepreneurial thieves to repackage your e-book and sell it as their own.

The only way to prevent changes in PDF files, is to password protect both the master password, as well as the user password. So, a password is needed to open the document, too. This automatically blocks PDF password removal tools from removing your settings.

Finally, why go through the trouble of protecting the editing features, while allowing printing? Can you go to a library and ask a librarian to photo copy an entire book? No, because that would be a copyright violation. So, why would you allow someone who downloads your e-book those privileges? Yes, many computer users like to print out the material because its easier on the eyes. However, if someone uses print to file software, your e-book could be mass downloaded -- for free -- within hours, or even minutes.

Even though you password protect a PDF file, or an EXE file, it doesnt stop people from sharing them with friends, or posting them in newsgroups or forums. Therefore, if you take pride in your artistic work, you need to have a way to protect your investment.

Whatever program you choose, make sure its you that is profiting from your e-book, not criminals.

Stanley Hawkins is an American freelance writer currently traveling abroad. He has traveled to over 50 countries in the past 25 years. Visit his site at or contact him by e-mail

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Essential Tips to Designing a Site

Website designing has always been a fun thing to do. Nonetheless, when designing a website, more so when the site is going to be used to channel business to other people, the burden of designing it properly to suit and fit your clients discriminating tastes aggressively progresses. It is essential that you design your site based on the following norms:

Even when you know that your site is going to be primarily utilized as a business avenue, it is much better to be weary in putting too much banner ads on your site. It is always a turn off to generally of clients if they see too much and excessive banner ads or promotional tips on a site. As they always say, moderation is the key. You can moderate the presence of advertising materials on your site to ensure that it does not become a sore to visitors.

Audio and sounds is good but again, do not overdo it. It is an admitted fact that a lot of visiting clients are fond of media files, but when it becomes too much of a presence on a site losing the essential elements of a site, then again it becomes a sore to the eyes of your prospective client and visiting users.

Employ clear and user-friendly navigation tools. User friendliness is always a factor to consider when developing any PC related software. Not only it makes it sellable, but also it goes to bringing more sales to a lot of potential clients of all ages. By what I mean about this is that, make sure that you do not put too much complications in your website. Make it simple and allow for a user-friendly environment.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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Man has always speculated about what lies beyond his immediate circle of knowledge. Many a journey has been taken and many a new land has been discovered all because of mans curiosity. The uncertainties faced and risks taken in the name of adventures and travel has claimed many lives. Navigation and maps are vital to these activities.

Luckily for us, we live in an age of new and innovative ways for technology to help us and one of them is the GPS system.

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide navigation system formed from a constellation of 24 satellites and the associated ground stations. There can be more than 24 operational satellites; new ones are launched periodically to replace older satellites.

Each satellite orbits continually about the same ground track (as the earth turns beneath them) once per day, at an altitude calculated to ensure the satellite repeats the same track over all points approximately each 24 hours (actually 4 minutes earlier each day).

There are six orbital planes, equally spaced (60 degrees apart), and inclined at about fifty-five degrees with respect to the equatorial plan. The GPS system uses man-made stars as reference points to parse accurate positions to within meters.

The GPS system in its entirety is comprised of a network of satellites, signals, support personnel, ground based hardware and software, which make possible the establishment of ones precise location on the Earths surface. The Global Positioning System is funded by and overseen by the U. S. Department of Defense (DOD). While there are many thousands of civil users of GPS world-wide, the system was designed for and is operated by the U. S. military.

The accuracy of location measurements using the global positioning system depends on the GPS receiver. High-end, survey-grade GPS receivers can determine locations precise to within centimeters. But even low-end, handheld consumer receivers, can be accurate to within fifteen meters. GPS receivers have been miniaturized to just a few integrated circuits and so are becoming economical and readily available.

The first commercial global positioning system units were precise for only about 100 meters because the military scrambled the signal--a program called Selective Availability. In the year 2000, the U.S. government removed Selective Availability, improving the accuracy of even basic handheld units to within fifteen meters. Today, with additional information from ground based correction services such as WAAS WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation Service) or U.S. Coast Guard differential GPS beacons, accuracy can be improved even further.

Visit, where you can read about Blue Tooth GPS and other wireless topics.

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Become one of the English Teachers in Korea

Demand is growing for English teacher jobs, and one of the places where demand is high is in Korea. But what should you expect as one of the English teachers in Korea?

1.Website placement It is possible to find a position such as English teachers in Korea if you look online through job placement websites. However, there is always an element of risk in online placement. For one, you dont know if the website is being operated by a legitimate job placement agency or employer. Without the valuable input of face-to-face interaction, you lose out on warning signs that may tell you to back out while you can. However, there are also legitimate job placement agencies that operate online. If you are determined to become one of the English teachers in Korea, ask your government agency (which is responsible for regulating placement of citizens of your country in English teacher jobs) for the names of recognized job placement agencies.

2.Public school placement This is one type of the English teacher jobs in Korea, meaning you will be teaching Korean children in public schools. Like all English teaching jobs that are based abroad, you may have to learn the native tongue (in this case, Korean) to be more capable and competent at your job. You should also genuinely like children.

3.Private school placement This is another type of the English teacher jobs in Korea whose only difference from the one above is that you will be teaching in private schools. The advantage of going to a private school rather than a public school is that you may get better pay, terms and perks from private schools.

4.Language school placement English language schools in any country operate on the assumption that you know how to teach English as a Second Language. Like other English teacher jobs in Korea, you might have to be trained in basic Korean grammar and vocabulary skills first so that you can understand your students if they find it hard to express themselves in English.

5.Summer camp placement it is not impossible to be destined for one of English teacher jobs in Korea that require you to teach summer camp. This is because learning the English language may qualify as an extra-curricular activity for some Korean schools so the Korean youngsters learn English through summer camp rather than as part of the regular curriculum of their school. The summer camp may also offer enrichment courses rather than regular English language training instead.

6.Writing positions When you become one of the English teachers in Korea, you might have to teach Koreans how to become better writers. This means going beyond the basics of English grammar and vocabulary, and teaching Koreans how to go through the writing process from brainstorming, to picking a topic, creating a first draft, polishing, and then producing a final draft. If this is the position you are eyeing, it helps if you have experience as a writer.

There may be other types of English teachers in Korea but these are some of the most common. As always, be cautious about accepting a position before you have looked into the background of your employer. Hopefully, you will enjoy being an English teacher in Korea.

An online portal to english teacher jobs. Check out this website to find out more about english teachers in korea, and worldwide employer contact information.

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A Quick Guide To Mental Health Care

More and more people are afflicted with mental health issues today. The incidence of mental problems has risen gradually over the last decade as a direct result of the lives we lead. Everyone in society is stressed, rushing around constantly and has no time at all to relax. Depression can set in as a result of this or of a dissolved marriage, a death in the family, after giving birth and for a huge variety of other reasons. People tend to work through depression as best they can because they do not want to have it on their record as a result of the stigma. That could actually harm their chances of getting employment in the future. However, as society is beginning to get more clued up about depression, it is essential that everybody have provisions for mental health care.

Depression is just one of the mental illnesses that people can actually suffer from but it is in fact the most common. It is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and this can result in mood swings, low self-esteem and self-harm. However, people generally tend to hide it very well so that, when they do get treatment, the ailment has already gone on to the point that the individual sufferer has gone as low as they can possibly go. It is at this point that they actually need mental health care treatment. It is only mental health care treatment that can save them from themselves and restore them to health at this point.

It is not only mental health care treatment that is required at this stage because someone who suffers from depression cannot drag him or herself out of it on their own. They need a good support network and friends and family who understand what they are going through. They often need someone on the outside to show them a degree of understanding too so they know that they are not going mad and are in fact perfectly normal. Mental health care workers are perfect for this role. Whilst some individuals turn their noses up at mental health care workers, it is not fair to consider them as individuals that cannot help. The profession is needed now more than ever so a certain degree of understanding is required on the part of the sufferer too.

Mental health care may also incorporate the need for anti-depressants or other similar medication. Some individuals may be able to resolve their mental health problems without the need for medication, but others will not. However, you should only take something for depression when a mental health care professional prescribes them. It is an illness and is rarely made up because of the stigma attached. As a result, society should have a little more understanding.

You can also find more info on Health Care Insurance and Health Care Plans. is a comprehensive resource to know about Health Care.

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Rebuilding Loyalty

"When you find someone you believe in, do not hesitate to stand by him through thick and thin."
- Bryce's Law


There is a general consensus today that there is a complete breakdown in corporate loyalty, that employees no longer maintain allegiances to their companies or their bosses. Years ago people joined companies usually for life. Workers figured if they worked hard enough and kept their noses clean, the company would take care of them. This is no longer the case. Due to the corporate changes implemented over the last twenty five years to remain competitive in a world economy, workers now typically live in a state of paranoia and think short-term employment as opposed to long-term, thus affecting their perspective on loyalty.

As some very visible examples of this, consider the dismantling of the studio system in Hollywood and the farm system in Major League Baseball. Instead of being groomed and nurtured from within the system, employees have been forced to become free-agents. Obviously, this encourages individualism as opposed to teamwork. I chuckle when I hear an executive become exasperated that there isn't any loyalty in his company anymore. Why should there be if he promotes a corporate culture that doesn't encourage loyalty?

Let's understand this from the outset, loyalty represents trust. It means a person is confident that something will behave predictably, positively, and to their benefit. As a result, they will willingly pledge their allegiance to it. If it doesn't behave in this manner, loyalty will be shattered.

There are three types of loyalty we commonly come in contact with: Product, Institutional, and Person:


I'm sure we all know someone who has allegiances to products. For example, I have a friend whose family has been buying Buick automobiles literally for generations. Even though the body styles have changed over the years, they have found it to be a trustworthy product and have remained loyal customers for decades. I also have a business contact who refuses to fly on anything but Boeing aircraft. Back in 1985 there was a consumer uproar when Coca-Cola changed their formula and introduced "New Coke." Loyal customers finally forced the company to reintroduce the original formula under the name, "Coca-Cola Classic" (as we know it today).

People form attachments to products because they like it, have become familiar with it, and are confident it will perform routinely and to their benefit. They will even go so far as to adapt their lifestyle to the product and become dependent on it, just like a drug, even tolerating modest changes in price and attributes. But if the product changes radically, becomes unreliable, or skyrockets in price, then loyalty is shattered and the consumer looks for other alternatives. To illustrate, consider the American automotive industry; for years, people loyally purchased American automobiles because they believed them to be well built and tailored to the needs of the American public. Foreign automobiles were originally considered as nothing more than a curiosity that was out of step with the public. But because of some serious missteps by Detroit, consumer loyalty was shattered and transferred to foreign car manufacturers, particularly the Japanese and Germans who worked overtime to cultivate consumer loyalty.

Loyalty in this regards does not require a product to be best in its class. In fact, a lot of mediocre products command consumer loyalty simply because consumers perceive them as quality goods. For example, I do not consider Microsoft products to be the best of their kind, yet they command incredible consumer loyalty as people perceive them as "state of the art." Even though there are many other excellent products out there with superior features, Microsoft commands the PC simply because they have been able to cultivate consumer confidence. But if they ever lose this confidence, there will undoubtedly be others to take their place.


We see instances of institutional loyalty in such things as political parties (Democrats, Republicans), branches of the military (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy), countries and communities, charities, sports teams, fraternal organizations, and companies. Here, people fervently believe in the institution they belong to and proudly display their loyalty through such things as lapel pins, bumper stickers, tattoos, web sites or whatever. Most people realize such institutions are not perfect. Nevertheless, they support it through thick and thin simply because they believe it to be a good and noble institution. The only time they will break with it is if the institution radically changes course and is no longer in line with their personal interests and values. For example, we have seen examples of people switching from one political party to another due to a change in policies and interests.

Quite often, the loyalty for an institution or office within it supersedes the loyalty to the person holding the office. We see numerous examples of this in the military and government alone. True, soldiers are more apt to follow certain leaders into battle they believe in, but they will also perform their duty out of a greater sense of loyalty to the institution.

Corporations tend to be a bit different though since the integrity of such institutions are being questioned today. This is probably due to corporate cultures that are failing to maintain the interests of the workers. Whereas I still have friends employed by big businesses who have long tenure with their companies, younger workers tend to lack faith in the institutions and find the company's interests are not compatible with their own. Their only motivation is to pick up a paycheck, nothing more, nothing less. This is somewhat sad as it means their work is not aligned with their interests which does not promote a sense of craftsmanship.


Loyalty to a particular individual is perhaps more common than the other two. This is because people are social animals and tend to identify with the interests of others (the "birds of a feather" phenomenon). In terms of superior/subordinate relationships, with rare exception, we want to believe in our leaders. We want them to worry about charting the right course of action while we worry about tending to our own particular work effort. People are more inclined to follow a leader, even through the most difficult of times, whom they are loyal to than someone they do not trust. But understand this, loyalty at this level is a two-way street; not only does a manager require the loyalty of his workers, the workers require the loyalty of the manager. This requires effective social and communications skills (people skills). The manager must demonstrate he knows what he is doing, knows the right path to take, and maintains the interests of his subordinates. Conversely, the workers must demonstrate to the manager they are willing to put forth the necessary effort to see a job through to completion. In other words, both parties depend on each other, which brings us back to trust. And if the trust is ever broken, harmony is disrupted, and the manager and workers begin to work at odds against each other, which, of course, is counterproductive and a very unhealthy working environment.


If our trust in someone or something is broken, it is difficult to repair, but not impossible. If Product Loyalty is broken, consumer confidence has to be rebuilt; If Institutional Loyalty is broken, the corporate culture has to be overhauled, and; If Personal Loyalty is broken, it will be the most difficult to correct due to the human dynamics involved. In any event, rebuilding loyalty will be a long and costly process. The best thing to do is not to lose it in the first place.

Loyalty is broken when expectations radically diverge from what happens in practice. People are willing to forgive errors or indiscretions to a point, primarily because as creatures of habit we are comfortable with the status quo and do not necessarily want to change. But if problems become significant without any sign of being remedied, people will lose patience and faith in the object of attention. Let's take the 1985 Coca-Cola incident as an example; had the company made a minor change in the Coke formula, it probably would have been accepted. They didn't. The "New Coke" formula was a radical departure from the old formula. Regardless of the considerable marketing hype of the new product, customers lost confidence in it and started a rebellion to reintroduce the old formula.

Worker loyalty is lost when they become convinced their interests are not being maintained by management, and lack confidence in the direction of the company. This typically occurs when:

  • Promises are not kept by management.
  • Worker jobs are in peril of being outsourced.
  • The company is losing market share.
  • The workers do not understand the deployment or withdrawal of certain products or services.

  • Whether such scenarios are real or not, worker loyalty will be lost if management's judgment is perceived as questionable. A lot of this can be corrected simply by effective communications to clear up misunderstandings and to explain the rationale for a course of action. Even if the chips are down, workers are more likely to remain loyal if they understand and believe in the course management has plotted.

    Worker loyalty in management is also based on ethics and quality. If the actions of management are perceived as unscrupulous or unsavory, workers will quickly lose faith in them. Further, if workers do not have confidence in the quality of the products or services they are producing and selling (that they know them to be based on inferior workmanship), this too will be a bad reflection of management's integrity.

    Look, its really quite simple, workers want to be treated fairly, lead a worthy and meaningful life, and have confidence in the direction of their company. This requires management to improve their people skills, refine the corporate culture, and enact effective communications. In return, management should rightfully expect loyalty from the work force.

    Deeds speak louder than words. In order for management to be credible with workers, they must demonstrate they have the best interests of their employees in mind. Let me give you an example, every once and awhile in Major League Baseball you see a manager charge out to an umpire during a game to challenge a call and becomes quite vocal and animated (Earl Weaver and Billy Martin were legendary in this regard). Quite often, such challenges are done more for demonstrative purposes as opposed to actually refuting a call by the umpire. Basically, the histrionics are used by the managers to tell their own team that he believes in his players and is willing to fight to protect their interests. Now I'm not suggesting that a corporate officer or manager needs to pick a fight with someone, but some public demonstration of his sincerity is needed to express his commitment to his workers, be it a reward, a testimony, a recognition or whatever; something to demonstrate he has the best interests of his employees in mind. This includes affecting the corporate culture and establishing the proper work environment. Some managers have little sensitivity for the type of work their people have to perform. In fact, they prefer a master/slave relationship thereby elevating their ego. But if they create an environment that empowers employees and treats them like professionals, thereby giving them a sense of purpose, they tend to become more dedicated and loyal to the company.

    Some people contend you can buy loyalty. I do not subscribe to this notion. In this situation, people will only be loyal as long as the cash continues to roll in. When it stops (or if someone outbids another), people move on. Do not confuse loyalty with bribery. Loyalty means you believe in something and are willing to stand by it through good times as well as bad.


    Years ago, Les Matthies, the legendary "Dean of Systems" admonished me, "As long as someone provides you with a job, be loyal to that person; don't gossip and ridicule him; do your job, and do it right. If you don't like the person, then get out and do something else." What worries me is that Les' sentiments are lost in today's world. Loyalty is rapidly becoming a lost virtue. Interestingly, I have met a lot of people in recent years complaining how loyalty is lost in corporate America, as well as other institutions such as nonprofit organizations. These same people all want to see loyalty become part of our core values again, but they are all waiting for someone else to take the first step in making this happen. If you believe in the necessity of loyalty, that it adds value to our lives, then it behooves all of us to take the first step.

    Always remember: Loyalty = Trust

    Tim Bryce is the Managing Director of M. Bryce & Associates (MBA) of Palm Harbor, Florida, a management consulting firm specializing in Information Resource Management (IRM). Mr. Bryce has over 30 years of experience in the field. He is available for lecturing, training and consulting on an international basis. His corporate web page is at:

    He can be contacted at:

    Copyright 2006 MBA. All rights reserved.

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    A Survey of Collection and Services of Medical College Libraries

    A Survey of Collection and Services of Medical College Libraries in Uttar Pradesh: Prospects, Problems and Proposal for their Modernization

    Libraries are the soul of any research or academic institution. They form the most vital forum of education, especially in the field of technical education. Due to the rapid pace of development taking place in various fields of science and technology (S and T) it become imperative for the libraries to remain up-to-date with the latest advances in technology so that the dissemination of information becomes efficient, quick, feasible, economic, accessible and useful.

    The utility of a library depends largely on its collection. Therefore, it is very important that utmost care should be taken to select and maintain a good and strong collection of documents such as books, periodicals, hand books, reference books, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias and various other related information. Building and developing a library collection able to meet the needs of users, such as scientists, students, research scholars and others adequately is a major task of a good library. The quality of services provided and the satisfaction of the users depend a great deal upon the kinds of collections made available. A comprehensive, balanced and up-to-date collection is to have documents of different types in various physical forms to satisfy the informational needs of the users.

    The basic aim of a library is to provide efficient services to its users. Therefore, user satisfaction should be the main goal of a good librarian. This goal can not be achieved unless and until the library management has got a clear idea about the user needs and demands. The library should be well-equipped besides having a good and strong collection of documents. Variety of services should be offered to cater to the needs of its users. Latest and up-to-date technology should be adopted in order to provide better services.

    In the modern era of information explosion which has led to the evolution of multidisciplinary domains in the different fields of S and T the user demand and expectations have grown tremendously. In order to meet this challenge the library should be well equipped with the modern tools of information storage and its retrieval so that the right information is made available to the right user at the right place and at the right time.

    With the advent of computers and Internet a transformation is taking place in the information infrastructure leading to the development of digital or electronic libraries. The latest advances in the field of information technology, telecommunications, software, networking, multimedia and scanning technology have produced a revolutionary change in the field of library and information technology. Networking technologies have resulted in the creation of virtual or on-line libraries which are immensely popular with the users and proving to be a boon for the society as a whole due to the instant access of information anytime and anywhere in the world. Thus the barriers of time and space have been shattered and the vast world has been reduced into a "global village" where anyone can have immediate access to the information of his/her choice by using the techniques of computer software, networking and scanning technologies.

    A digital library may be defined as an electronic version of a traditional library where all the information is stored and preserved in digital form. In a digital library the data accessed includes non-text information such as photographs, drawings, illustrations, works of art; streams of numeric data (satellite information, cosmological data); digitized sound and moving visual images and 3 D representations (holograms) besides traditional text based information.

    There are many Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh where digitization and networking of libraries can give a big boost not only to the enhancement of the quality and standard of services available in the hospitals but also help to a great extent in the promotion of medical studies and research. But the implementation of this process of digitization and networking of libraries depends a great deal upon the role and attitude of the librarians towards this comprehensive process for its success.

    Review of literature
    Many sources of information both published and unpublished have been consulted to develop a clear concept of the proposed study. It has been observed that the digitization and networking process in the field of library and information science has helped to a great extent in the effective and instant dissemination of right information at right cost at right time to the right user.

    The objectives of the proposed study are as follows: -
    1) To assess the role and attitude of librarians in the success of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    2) To study the size and nature of collection in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    3) To examine the level of digitization in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    4) To study the methods employed for digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    5) To study the existing library services and facilities offered by the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    6) To study the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    7) To study the effectiveness and efficiency of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    8) To assess the demand and popularity of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    9) To study the problems and challenges faced by librarians in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    10) To make suggestions for improvement in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
    11) To discover the limitations in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.

    This study will be based on the survey of the libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh. For this purpose the libraries of only those Allopathic Medical Colleges are included which have been approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI) to run MBBS course of study and entitled to award the degree of MBBS and other degrees related to Allopathic Medicine and Surgery. The names of such Allopathic Medical Colleges selected for the proposed study are given below: -

    1. S.N. Medical College, Agra.
    2. G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur.
    3. Institute of Medical sciences, B.H.U, Varanasi.
    4. Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, Allahabad.
    5. Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh.
    6. L.L.R.M. Medical College, Meerut.
    7. Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College, Jhansi.
    8. B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur.
    9. Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad.
    10. Sardar Patel Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences, Lucknow.
    11. Era Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow.
    12. Subharati Medical College, Meerut
    A hypothesis may be considered as a tentative generalization of the problem under investigation. It is meant to provide the researcher with an opportunity (prior to the actual data collection) to predict the results of the study. A hypothesis is an expectation about events or a shrewd guess or a prediction of the results of the study.

    As hypotheses are predictions, therefore, these are formulated before the collection of data. No hypothesis should be formulated once the data are known.

    The following hypotheses have been formulated for the proposed study: -
    1) The libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh are having a rich collection of documents.
    2) The Allopathic Medical Colleges' Libraries are providing a variety of services to their users.
    3) The libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh are facing certain problems.
    4) There is an urgent need for the modernization of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh according to the latest techniques such as digitization and networking of libraries.

    It is planned to adopt the following method for the completion of the proposed study: -
    1) Literature Search: - It shall be done by consulting the vast literature existing on the subject of digitization and networking. For this purpose different books by noted authors as well as journals and seminar papers will be studied thoroughly.
    2) Questionnaire: - In order to conduct the proposed study the most important tool for the collection of data is the questionnaire. Therefore, a comprehensive questionnaire shall be designed to collect all the important and relevant data. This questionnaire shall be sent to the librarians of the concerned libraries. After obtaining the filled questionnaire the data shall be analyzed and interpreted according to the objectives of the proposed study.
    3) Library Survey: - It is planned to conduct library survey for a systematic collection of data concerning libraries, their activities, operations, staff, use and users, at a given time or over a given period.
    4) Interview of Librarians: - In order to collect the accurate data and obtain the views and opinion of the librarians of the concerned libraries it is also proposed to conduct personal interviews of the concerned librarians.

    The following may be the utilities of the proposed study: -
    1) It may be helpful in finding out the problems and difficulties faced by the librarians of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
    2) It may be helpful to the concerned authorities in the effective implementation of the digitization and networking process.
    3) It may be helpful in finding out the prospects of the adoption digitization and networking process of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
    4) It may help in finding out the solution to some of those problems, which are retarding the progress of the digitization and networking process in the libraries.
    5) It may be helpful to the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in resource sharing and connecting with each other via networking.

    The proposed study will be divided into seven chapters, which are as follows: -
    Chapter - One Introduction
    Chapter - Two Medical Council of India (MCI) and the Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.: An overview.
    Chapter -Three Allopathic Medical Colleges' libraries in U.P.: Present status and functions
    Chapter- Four Digitization and Networking process in libraries and information centers: A brief background.
    Chapter-Five Present status of digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical colleges in U.P.
    Chapter-Six Comparative study of the status of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical colleges in U.P.
    Chapter - Seven Conclusion and Suggestions.

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    Teacher Tips: Organizing Your ADHD Students

    Thank you to all of our professional educators who dedicate themselves to our children! We know how difficult it can be working with ADHD children, so here are your teacher tips for the week, brought to you by the ADHD Information Library and You can read over 500 classroom interventions at

    Here are some tips on Organizing Your ADHD Students:

    See what you can do to help organize the ADHD child's environment. Use dividers and folders in his desk so he can easily find things. Teach him how to organize himself better. These are skills that he does not know, and needs to learn.

    Help the child to organize his written work or numbers. Allow the child to move a pencil or his finger across the page while reading. If he's writing, allow him to use one or two fingers for spacing between words. During math, graph paper may be very helpful to organize his numbers and columns.

    Your student will function better when able to anticipate times requiring increased concentration. A visual representation of the day's schedule will provide another opportunity to internalize classroom routine.

    Completing school work and maintaining behavior during the school day can be exhausting experiences. Large homework loads on a regular basis can become discouraging for him and very stressful for the parent involved. Attempt to have homework reduced, if possible, and limited to guided practice on material that he has begun to master. Attempt to break down long?term assignments into steps to lessen your student's feeling overwhelmed. Consider having the student complete every third problem, instead of answering each one.

    Emphasize practice and assignment completion on the word processor to lower the frustration many students feel with written work.

    Model an organized classroom and model the strategies you use to cope with disorganization.

    Establish a daily classroom routine and schedule. Show that you value organization by following 5 minutes each day for the children to organize their desks, folders, etc. Reinforce organization by having a "desk fairy" that gives a daily award for the most organized row of desks.

    Use individual assignment charts or pads that can go home with the child to be signed daily by parents if necessary. Develop a clear system for keeping track of completed and uncompleted work such as having individual hanging files in which each child can place completed work and a special folder for uncompleted work.

    Develop a color coding method for your room in which each subject is associated with a certain color that is the that subjects textbook cover and on the folder or workbook for that subject.

    Develop a reward system for in-school work and homework completion. One example of a system that reinforces both work quality and work quantity involves translating points earned into "dollars" to be used for silent auction at the end of grading period. For children needing more immediate reinforcement, each completed assignment could earn the child a "raffle ticket" with her/his name on it . Prizes or special privileges could be awarded on the basis of a random drawing held daily or weekly.

    Write schedule and timelines on the board each day. Provide due dates for assignments each day. Divide longer assignments into sections and provide due dates or times for the completion of each section.

    Tape a checklist to the child's desk or put one in each subject folder/notebook that outlines the steps in following directions or checking to be sure an assignment is complete. Provide study guides or outlines of the content you want the child to learn, or let the child build her/his own study guide with worksheets tat have been positively corrected.

    Be clear about when student movement is permitted and when it is discouraged, such as during independent work times.

    Your student should be encouraged to utilize assignment sheets, broken down by day and subject. He or his teachers can record assignments at the completion of each task. An organizing time at the end of each day can be helpful to gather the necessary materials for the assignments and develop a plan of action for completion. This will greatly aid the development of the "executive processes."

    Your student can become overwhelmed with floods of paper and be unable to find the needed materials. It is often helpful to carry only two work folders, one that contains work to be completed and one with work to be filed. Reviewing these work folders should become a regular part of the daily routine, with irrelevant work removed.
    Some students now take a small dose of their medication when they come home from school to aid in studying/homework completion. Check with the doctor about the time period of maximum medication effectiveness to help set?up a sensible homework schedule.

    Quite often, variability in work performance will be related to the teacher's style and your student's temperament. Teachers tend to instruct using their own preferential learning style. Sequential teachers may help by providing more structure for him but the teacher may become frustrated with his disorganization and behavior. Random teachers, while not providing external structure, may be more likely to utilize flexibility in adjusting to his needs. Attempt to place your student with teachers who have similar styles that have proven effective for their particular needs. Some teachers have received training in dealing with students with attentional problems that would make them a particularly effective resource.

    One of the simplest interventions with the most power is to have an extra set of textbooks at home to minimize the problem of not having the necessary homework materials.
    Since fine motor activities and spelling can be a problem, consider a major emphasis on using a word processor at an early age. Software to practice keyboarding should have stimulating graphics to motivate their use. Using a "spell check" program is critical.

    Along with the "executive process" of organizing for homework at the end of the day, a daily check-in time at the beginning of the school day can be helpful in preparing for a successful day. Checking the previous night's homework, highlighting changes in the daily schedule, and even pre?teaching some of the lessons for the day can ease stress.
    Your student should have a regularly scheduled time for cleaning his desk at least once a week. This will improve his ability to find his materials. It may, however, require the assistance/instruction of an adult to make this a successful experience.

    Hopefully these will help the ADHD students in your classroom to be more successful. You can learn more about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder at the ADHD Information Library.

    Douglas Cowan, Psy.D., is a family therapist who has been working with ADHD children and their families since 1986. He is the clinical director of the ADHD Information Library's family of seven web sites, including, helping over 350,000 parents and teachers learn more about ADHD each year. Dr. Cowan also serves on the Medical Advisory Board of VAXA International of Tampa, FL., is President of the Board of Directors for KAXL 88.3 FM in central California, and is President of Incorporated.

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    I Know You Heard of Placebo but They Got it All Wrong!

    Lets start with research, facts and proof not idle rambling.

    Researchers at the University of Michigan, published in the Journal of Neuroscience in August 2005:

    Lead researcher Jon-Kar Zubieta said: Endorphins (the bodys opiates), are released in pain-related areas of the brain when we expect drugs to relieve our pain.

    The operative word is expect because the emotion of positive-expectation causes physical changes in mind-and-body.

    Some might argue that expecting is a cognitive (thinking) behavior, not an emotional one. Maybe its both, but PET(Positron Emission Tomography) scans, produce proof-positive that a placebo Latin for I shall please, changes the brain. Its as real as a New Orleans Heart Attack after seeing your home and source of livelihood destroyed.

    A placebo demonstration is required by the U.S. government to test the effectiveness of new drugs proposed to the Federal Drug Administration. Manufactures must prove their new drug produces more cures than a phony-baloney with no active ingredients say a saline-solution injection with no drugs in it.

    The Placebo can account for a minimum of thirty (30%) of all cures.

    Does that mean we cure ourselves?

    You have heard the expression the placebo-effect its in the dictionary and reads a sense of benefit felt by a patient that arises solely from the knowledge that treatment has been given. A sugar pill instead of an antibiotic fits the bill.

    The Experts Discounted The Placebo as Unscientific

    Imagine the surprise of scientists when they saw brain scans with modifications of brain structures from patients who were give placebos - and not real drugs. The experiment involved the injection into the jaws of the volunteers (a harmless procedure), of either a legitimate pain-killer or the powerless placebo.

    You dont have to remember its called the mu opioid receptors of the brain, it means that the brain produces its own pain-killers strangely similar to opium, and is received and used to reduce or eliminate pain by the mind-and-body. Mu - is the twelfth-letter of the Greek alphabet.

    When the patients were told they would receive painkillers just the mental expectation without the active drug ingredients as part of the experiment their brains began to release Endorphins a natural copycat of manufactured morphine. And what happened? Right the placebo caused the pain to vanish as if the volunteers had received the active drugs.

    Its All in The Mind?

    Do we all have the same level of expectation about life health success?

    How do you even measure a mental construct like expectation?

    Heres what the University of Michigan scientists concluded:

    the power of the placebo was in-sync with the degree of each patients level of belief in the power of the alleged drug.

    Huh? The stronger your belief in the effectiveness of the injection, pill or even surgery they better your results.

    The better relationship you have with the doctor trust her/him the better odds you recover and live - verses

    Most of us laughed at the Power-of-Positive-Thinking and considered ourselves intelligent because we didnt fool ourselves. Does saying-so make-it-so?

    The words we use habitually are cues to how our brain thinks about success and failure. The Placebo-Effect proves that how we talk, and what we expect and trust to happen has a demonstrable cause-and-effect response on how our brain works.

    Nocebo Means I Will Harm You!

    From Latin we get placebo, and its sister-state - nocebo, which indicates that expectations of rejection, failure, and loss are the basis of self-sabotage.

    The negative words, gestures and facial expressions we use cause our brain to lead us down the path to destruction. Is it all in your head, and persistence-and- determination dont count? Life is action not thinking about doing. Its not who you are deep inside it is what you do. Our brain is affected by the words we use, and by non-verbal body-language that reveals how we feel about things, people and situations. Success is all about thinking, feeling and doing.

    Heres an analogy - the brain is our hardware, while our mind is the software and sets the goals. What we must remember is that our brain is listening to our words, and awaiting its marching-orders, just as your fingers on the computer point-and-click your commands. How you expect-to-be-treated causes people to modify their behaviors. What results you expect to obtain affects the amount of effort your mind-and-body produce. Give-it-a-thought and implement a success-orientation.


    It is time to change our attitude about the power of expectation, and how our mind affects our body. Your thinking (words and pictures), and body-language work in tandem to produce the results we get.

    Produce a Duchenne-Smile on your face three-times daily and you feel better and produce better results.

    Now we know for the first time that it is not just fooling-yourself, but enlisting the help of your mind to affect meaningful and significant changes in your body.

    Want to produce better results in your life?

    Be aware of the specific words you use about yourself and your activities cursing is a nocebo, and positive expectations and directed-effort - is your placebo.

    See ya,

    copyright 2005 H. Bernard Wechsler -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Author of #1 book on Speed Learning, published by Barron's Educational, partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading, graduating 2 million, including the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents.

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