Saturday, February 2, 2008 

Hoverboards of the Future Considered - Over Coming the Barriers

Designing the hoverboards of the future is not easy, of course nothing good in life is, now is it? Think for a second what is needed. For a teen to ditch his skateboard and go for a new high-tech hoverboard, well it be pretty spectacular and have awesome performance. Consider if you will the barriers the engineers and designers must over come;

  • Air Resistance
  • Gravity
  • Maneuverability
  • Hard Ground
  • Speed Needed to Excite Rider
With regards to air-resistance we can excite the rider at speeds less than 35 miles per hour, as skateboards currently are not ridden much faster than that anyway, when they are it is either being towed behind a car, going downhill or crashing as it falls back to Earth off a radical skateboard park ramp. Thus item number one can be overcome. Gravity can be beaten by proper use of airflows, aerodynamics, ground cushion, low pressure and perhaps air-ionization thickening strategies.

Once we have good physics in place to overcome these issues, we will rely on the ability of the rider to maneuver the hoverboard. Indeed this will require experience and skill and some additional considerations of the physics of deflection of relative wind, lift and board aerodynamics in various positions during transitional flight.

Now then how much performance is needed? Well we know from high-speed motorcycle racing that no matter how much power you give a human being, they always want more power! We do however have weight limitations, which are not of grave concern for the hover technologies in the ground cushion, but get very serious as one gets away from the ground. Blowing 1-2 Lbs of low pressure under a hovercraft can lift unbelievable amounts of weight.

So, it appears that the hoverboard is a potential technological threat to the skateboard and we may find that within less than a decade it replaces it completely.

L. Winslow is a Technology Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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The Next Twenty-Three Years

For The Next Twenty-Three Years

I have been a practicing public accountant for twenty-three years. I cant think of anything I would rather do to make a living (except for professional golf maybe) and consider myself quite fortunate. The one thing that I have come to dislike is the way people act. This will include clients as well as other accountants practicing in the trade. Accounting firms are very cheap these days and beat their staffs unmercifully. Eighty-five hours plus a week are the norm during tax time with a stressful killer schedule for the rest of the year. As for the clients, they wine and complain and expect to be treated as if the accountant is the indentured servant. Never again will I put up with cheap owners and overbearing and demanding clients.

The fees at the se firms are too high relative to the benefit received. Tax preparation has become a compliance exercise with very little time given to being proactive and planning ones financial future. When I was reviewing returns at my last job, I would often make suggestions on steps the client could take to save more on taxes and strengthen their respective portfolios. Oh My God I thought as my opinions and concerns fell upon deaf ears. My colleagues, the very people I thought would share my enthusiasm for practicing our noble trade, tossed me to the side and told me to stick with the routine. People want to be dealt with on their time tables and it is more important to meet this goal than it is to offer major tax planning ideas. I think some clients just like to watch their accountant bow and jump through hoops when they come-calling. I once had a colleague tell me that he would bleed for a client. Not this boy. I know that high fees are frustrating, but the client should take a more active role in his or her tax planning and preparation and be willing to go on extension to encourage proper planning. As for the heads of these accounting firms, cut back on your client base maybe to match with the manpower on hand. There are fewer people going into public accounting and this will be a fact of life for the next generation. As for the $125 bonus my last firm gave me after tax season, it in no way rewarded me for the lack of work life benefit that was promised.

For the next twenty-three years, I am going to revolutionize the way we deal with getting accounting help. I am taking my message to the people on radio and will tell you want you want to know and how to do your own financial and income tax planning. I will help you run your business, educate your children, build your portfolio, and save for retirement. There will be no wining tolerated by the listeners and no bowing from me. I will encourage the people to prepare their own tax returns and to seek help from me when they are stuck. This is how I intend to practice the trade I so dearly love over the next twenty-three. My guess is, many would like to see a change in the way they receive financial guidance.

Ron Piner, CPA Host of Better Business Saturday Mornings at 10ET On WBIS AM 1190

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Interview with a Secretary

This is a real interview with a real secretary. Her identity has not been revealed as to protect her anonymity and her job.

Describe your typical morning for me:

Well, I get to work a couple minutes early every morning. The big boss requires that were in the office and ready to work at exactly 8:00 am, so theres usually a rush to get in the building a few minutes before. I stop at the lounge to drop off my lunch in the refrigerator, and the fridge always reminds me of the time that someone stole my yogurt and ate it. The jerk. Anyway, usually theres a few faculty members in there, waiting with empty mugs in their hands for the coffee machine to stop dripping. We dont have a pause and serve one, so they have to wait for it to finish. One morning the coffee pot was gone because a secretary had taken it home to thoroughly clean it, and a woman actually started screaming when she saw that the coffee pot was missing.

When I get to my office suite, I have to turn on twelve lamps on my way to my desk. The fluorescent lights gave us headaches, so we all switched to task lighting. When I get to my desk, I turn my computer on, ignore the three error messages that pop up every day (I dont understand them, and my computer works fine anyway), and put my purse away. Then I unlock the door to my boss office, because he always forgets his key and depends on me being there to let him into his office.

Then I open the copy room. Most likely, a professor already unlocked it to do some last minute printing before his/her 8:00 am class. I go through the pile of papers that are sitting next to the printer. Most of them are e-mails that were printed the day before and never picked up. I throw those in the trash. The newer ones get placed neatly on the table, in the hopes that someone will claim them. If I find any exams, I take them to the professor and tell him/her not to leave exams in the copy room. I turn on the shredder, which is probably full, but if I dont check it I dont have to empty it.

My boss arrives later with his usual greeting: Hi beautiful! Anything new and exciting? I ignore the nickname, although Ive asked him to call me by my first name. He expects me to say that nothing is new, so that he can sit in his office and hide. I love when I have stuff for him to do first thing in the morning.

Um, I think we get the idea. Lets move on to something else:

Describe the relationship between yourself and your boss:

Which one? I have at least three bosses. My direct supervisor is an Administrative Assistant, and shes the person who does the bulk of my yearly evaluation. She also handles my vacation time, so I have to see her if I want some time off. However, she doesnt do the same work that I do, so its hard for her to evaluate my work. She doesnt work directly with me on a daily basis.

My other boss is the Department Chair. He works directly with me in my daily activities, but he is usually unaware of what Im doing. That can be evidenced by the number of times he comes to my desk while Im swimming in a river of paperwork and asks, Can you type an e-mail for me? He doesnt know how to type, and hes an old-fashioned guy, so he thinks my main job is dictation. He also loves words like empowerment, which means (to him) that he will give me as much of his work as he can before I reply, Thats not my job! Thats your job! Recently, he started bringing cupcakes for me every morning. Im wondering what big job hes going to try to talk me into doing for him.

My third boss is The Big Boss. He is the dean of the college. If he asks me to do something for him, I have to drop everything else. However, he has no direct input on my yearly evaluation.

Does your office celebrate Secretarys Day? If so, how?

Our office celebrates Administrative Professionals Day by inviting us to attend an all-day seminar for all of the clerical staff on campus. Unfortunately, I dont know anyone who has the time to attend an all-day seminar. Sometimes they arrange the seminar activities so that we can attend for half of the day. In general, its not a good practice to celebrate being an administrative professional by spending the day out of the office and having to work twice as hard to catch up the next day. Nice try, though.

Can you describe the relationship between you and other secretaries? Every office is filled with people that have a lot of character. Its what makes the days more interesting, and our differences are something to be celebrated. My office has the following characters: The Talker, The Mother, The Meanie, The Cheerful One, and The Quiet One. In general, we all work together pretty well.

The Talker is a woman who knows everything. Shes been here forever, and shes the one to go to if you have a question. However, once you start talking to her, you might as well pull up a chair. Shes got great stories to tell, but there are so many of them! Often times, you may think the conversation is over, and you start walking away, only for her to start talking again. Weve started a joke where we walk away and say to another secretary, Is she still talking to me?

The Mother is an older woman who acts as a mother figure to everyone. You can count on her to remember your birthday, ask about your husbands doctor appointment, and she can be the first person to say, You look pale. Are you not feeling well today? She is usually the one that you can go to if you have a personal problem, and if youre having a terrible day, shell give you a hug or a piece of chocolate you cheer you up. However, you do not want to bug her when shes having a bad day. If she doesnt seem like her usual self, its best to leave her alone.

The Meanie is the one who plays office politics to her advantage. She knows all the right people to which she will casually mention certain bits of information, in order to make others look bad and herself seem better. She is usually loud, opinionated, and pushy. She likes to talk about other people, and she usually doesnt care who overhears her conversations. Her favorite saying is, Oops, was that out loud? followed by snickering.

The Cheerful One is just that: cheerful. Shes the one with the most heartfelt, Good morning! greeting each day. Some mornings, just the sound of her voice will make you want to throw the nearest object at her head. Usually you feel a little guilty for feeling this way toward someone simply because they seem happy. She talks the loudest on the phone, and she also works part time, which may attribute to her overbearing happiness.

The Quiet One is usually the new girl. She is quiet because she hasnt really found her place among everyone yet. She is teased by the other people in the office because she is so quiet. She needs to be careful, because she is the easiest one to take advantage of, and she should especially be weary of The Meanie. If she were inclined to go along with office politics, she would be wise to form an alliance with The Mother. However, The Mother is probably close to retirement, so she might want to befriend The Talker.

Do you ever feel as if you were taken for granted?

Well, at times I do feel as if Im taken for granted. Its a favorite saying around here that the secretary knows everything and does most of the work. People often say that secretaries are severely underpaid, but I dont see anyone doing anything about it. I think people often take it for granted that I will find a way to solve their problems.

Would you say that you feel more defined by your job title or by your ability to do your job?

This is a touchy subject in my office. Because we work in a union environment, we are very aware of what is in our job descriptions and what is not. We are strongly encouraged by management to not perform any job duties that are not in our job descriptions. However, as secretaries we know that there are certain jobs that we must perform, or they simply will not be done. Its a daily internal struggle, trying to find a balance between making sure the office runs smoothly and trying to convince people to do their own jobs.

Do you feel like an integral part of your office?

As a secretary, I feel like I am definitely an integral part of the office. Being a secretary means that you have to be able to answer everyones questions, or at least find out who has the answers. The secretary has to make sure the office runs smoothly. Unfortunately, that means a lot of stress and hardly any time off.

Are you happy with your salary?

You know, when I first took this job, I was very happy with my salary. I couldnt believe that I was getting paid so much to sit at a desk. I knew that I would be busy with work, but none of the work seemed very difficult. But over the next couple years, I realized that while each individual task may not be very difficult, its the combination of everything that you have to deal with thats stressful. I also found out that I get paid a lot less than the other secretaries that I work with. So, no, Im not really happy with my salary.

Are you happy being a secretary?

There are things about my job that I find fulfilling, like being able to help people. There are also days where the job drives me crazy, and Im not sure if I can continue for thirty more years. Most of the time I consider this a time of gaining experience, so that I can move on to a more fulfilling job.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.Facsimile.Com/ which is a site for Fax Machines.

Tonia Jordan is a freelance Journalist, editor of Word of Mouth Magazine and an author at http://www.Writing.Com/

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Copyright Owners - How to Protect Your Work

Daniel Woolsey is being sentenced for felony in California. He was caught selling pirated copies of Autodesk's AutoCAD(R) software. Additional counts for selling other pirated software, including Adobe PhotoShop, were dropped as part of a plea bargain agreement. "This case should be a wake up call to copyright violators that they can face serious consequences. Autodesk will continue to work closely with law enforcement agencies . . . to protect our valuable intellectual property . . . ." said Sandy Boulton, director of Piracy Prevention at Autodesk.

Why should photographers care about this? Because we don't want our intellectual property - copyrights/trademarks/trade secrets - stolen from us. When we share that music file with a friend or copy Photoshop from a colleague, we are perpetuating the problem, even if it is on a small scale. Is it ok to steal a pack of gum but not a car?

Here's what you can do to keep people from stealing your images. First, don't steal others' work. Stop the cycle.

Second, like the software companies, make your work difficult to steal. Don't put large files on the web. Put a watermark on them. Track them on the web with a program such as "Digimarc." Include a delivery memo with your photos to document what you are sending. Specifically identify the limited rights you are granting to any user. Put your name and contact info with your images. Include your copyright notice on all of your work.

Third, just like the Autodesk company above, prosecute those who steal your work. Send the message that it's not ok to steal the gum or the car.

Take my advice, get professional help.

Copyright 2005 Carolyn E. Wright


Carolyn E. Wright, Esq., has a unique legal practice aimed squarely at the needs of photographers. A pro photographer herself, Carolyn has the credentials and the experience to protect photographers. Shes represented clients in multimillion dollar litigations, but also has the desire to help new photographers just starting their careers. Carolyn graduated from Emory University School of Law with a Juris Doctor, and from Tennessee Tech Univ. with a Masters of Business Administration degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in music.

She wrote the book on photography law. 88 Secrets to the Law for Photographers," by Carolyn and well-known professional photographer, Scott Bourne, is scheduled for fall 2005 release by Olympic Mountain School Press. Carolyn also is a columnist for PhotoFocus Magazine.

Carolyn specializes in wildlife photography and her legal website is

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Why Choose Dial Up ISP Services

Dial up ISP service is the cheapest choice of any of the ISPs and may be a good option for that family on a tight budget. The software upgrades have definitely increased the speed of dial up ISPs, but their speed is still slower than some other options. Dial up ISP service can be purchased from several different companies including Earthlink, AOL, Juno, and others.

One of the major issues with dial up ISP service is how long it takes to connect to the internet and disruptions in your connection. Depending upon the time of day and your company, connection can take anywhere from 30 seconds to two to three minutes or longer. Disruptions occur when you lose contact with the provider because of phone line static, storms, or problems at the providers end. This can be very irritating if you are working online or researching and have to keep reconnecting to the internet.

When choosing dial up ISP service, choose a company with a long track record and software upgrades rather than the newest, cheapest service on the market. Cheaper does not necessarily translate into better, especially in an ISP service. Read the fine print of your policies. How long can you stay online before being cut off? How many email addresses are allowed per account? Is there a limit on the number of hours a month you can be online without additional charges?

Access numbers are a necessity for dial up ISP service since you use the phone line to connect to the internet. Ensure that there are local access numbers for your use so you will not have to pay long distance charges. If you travel, do they have access numbers in a wide variety of locations or, even better, a toll free number for connection?

What comes with your dial up ISP account? Do they offer SPAM blocker or virus protection? These are important tools for your internet experience and your computer. SPAM blocker helps to block some of the unsolicited email that you get from sellers and different companies. Although it does not block all of it, it will make a large difference in your email. Virus protection is something that no computer user should be without. It scans incoming email and downloads for viruses that may harm your computer.

Dial-up ISP service is a great choice for budget minded people. Although the connection is slow and websites may be slow to load, the cost difference may be more important to some consumers. Think of it like this, if you have dial up service, then while websites load you have time to clean the house and balance your checkbook!

Learn the essential information for picking the right Internet Service Provider at High Speed Internet Provider

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Understanding the Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy has been used to help patients who are suffering from depression, anxieties, addictions and all sorts of other psycho social problems.

When under going cognitive behavior therapy a professional helps the suffering person to readjust his or her thinking. It is believed that thinking patterns and the way a person may perceive or relate to certain situations are connected with the patient's emotions and behavior.

Cognitive behavior therapy is a way to help find the underlying causes of the problem from a psychological point of view and then change or correct the thinking pattern that has led to wrong behavior.

Using cognitive behavior therapy, a professional is trying to modify the unrealistic and distorted thinking of the patient. This in turn will help the patient to make changes in behavior and to be able to re-adjust. Thinking patterns and emotions play a key role in human behavior and can be changed or modified.

Cognitive behavior therapy is also used to help people with drug addictions such as cocaine. In the strictest sense of the word, people who turn to drugs, both legal prescription drugs that are addicting, as well as illegal drugs, can be said to have a behavior disorder and can benefit from cognitive behavior therapy.

There are an increasing number of people who are suffering from dysfunctional disorders and while some believe medical treatments may be enough. studies seem to indicate that cognitive behavior therapy is successful. Of course, a lot depends on the person's willingness to comply with a trained therapist and to modify inner thoughts and feelings.

The trained therapist also is helping the patient to understand past experiences and situations, to analyze and to learn not to react in an irrational or distorted way.

Cognitive behavior therapy has become a way of understanding the connection between inner thoughts and perceptions and human behavior. This no doubt has contributed to some success that has been made. It also has helped some people to make big changes in their life.

If you are a person who is suffering from anxiety or depression or any other kind of psycho-social problem, take courage and find a trained therapist in cognitive behavior therapy. You can learn to make changes in your life and help yourself and those who are close to you. Of course it may take you some time to see a difference in your life, but remember to accomplish anything worthwhile you need determination.

There are also many books written on this subject that you may want to check out. When going online you can also find tons of information that may help you to learn even more about cognitive behavior therapy.

The time you may spend can make the difference. The good news is that, even if you feel overwhelmed and discouraged at times, there is help for you. There is also help in form of seminars that you can attend to learn more about cognitive behavior therapy and how it can help you. Taking time to look over the information available may be your very first step to recovery.

To get more information about Cognitive Behavior Therapy please visit our web site at

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