Monday, January 28, 2008 

Medi-Gap and Supplemental Insurance

Does your medical insurance cover you completely? Most people are unaware of exactly how much their medical insurance covers and are often shocked to find that certain things are not covered after it is too late. One recommendation that is often given in medical insurance articles is to ask your insurance agent about Medi-Gap insurance or supplemental insurance.

If you have insurance from your employer and it all seems too complicated to you, then you need to consult an expert on this. And this is something you might do every so often as sometimes large companies will modify their medical coverage insurance for their employees. Of course they will notify you, as required hopefully, but if you do not understand it all you need to ask someone who knows.

Only about 58% of the businesses in the United States offer health insurance to their employees and the trend seems to be that this percentage is going down not up. Meanwhile the premiums keep going up, which are over taxing businesses and resulting in the cutting of types of coverages says the GAO.

Most medical insurance just does not provide for every illness or injury and this is why it is often wise to have supplemental insurance, but you need to shop around and talk to an expert in these things.

That is what I did, like you I was concerned. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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Types of Asthma

To properly treat asthma it is important to classify a patient's current severity to determine the appropriate therapy choices; therefore a stepwise approach is used. Asthma is classified as either mild intermittent or persistent. Persistent asthma is further classified as mild, moderate or severe. Regardless of the classification there may be periodic exacerbations ranging from mild to severe which can make therapy quite challenging and requires the patient, patient's family and physician to watch closely for any changes. Even a mild intermittent asthmatic can have severe life threatening episodes. These episodes may be separated by months or years with no symptoms at all. A patient's asthma classification certainly can and probably will change (in either direction) over time so just one symptom characteristic of a given classification level is enough to raise a patient into that severity class thereby providing the best control possible. Due to the overlapping nature of the categories if the classification seems a bit fuzzy, the patient should be staged in the highest class for which any characteristics are seen.

Before beginning a discussion of the classification of asthma it is important to understand the common tests that are used to determine a patient's level of pulmonary function. It is very helpful to perform at least a basic pulmonary function test and not base a diagnosis of the severity (type) of asthma only on the signs and symptoms presented. The most common office test is spirometry which measures the maximal volume of air forced on exhalation from the point of maximum inhalation (forced vital capacity (FVC) and the volume of air exhaled during the first second of the FVC (FEV1). A patient can also use a peak flow meter at home to check the peak expiratory flow (PEF) variation between morning and in the afternoon (after using a short acting beta-agonist inhaler) to get the PEV variability. To determine the predicted PEF get a peak flow reading in the afternoon when the patient feels as close to normal as possible (even if a couple of puffs of a short acting beta-agonist are needed). These two PEV markers will be referred to in the subsequent sections.

Many asthma patients fall into the mild intermittent category. This group of patients may be symptom free for extended periods of time or may have short exacerbations on a fairly frequent basis. To be classified as mild intermittent a patient will have symptoms such as wheezing or shortness of breath no more than twice per week and nighttime symptoms no more than twice per month. The symptomatic exacerbations may last from a few hours to a maximum of a few days (although the severity may vary from one episode to the next). Between episodes there will be no symptoms and lung function tests will be normal. In this group lung function tests will show a PEF that is at least 80% of the predicted (best afternoon) value and have a variability of less than 20% (between morning and afternoon). This type of asthma patient usually will not require medication on a daily basis and can use a short acting rescue inhaler such as albuterol if needed for symptomatic control. A rule of thumb is that if the rescue inhaler is used more often than twice per week or if a canister lasts less than a month then there may be need for some type of controller medication. An occasional flare-up can be treated with a short course of steroids such as prednisone. A special class of asthmatics should be mentioned here, these are those with exercise induced asthma. A patient with exercise induced asthma typically will only be symptomatic during times of physical stress and usually can be controlled by pretreating with a short acting inhaler such as albuterol or even cromolyn. A diagnosis of exercise induced asthma although often easy to control should not be taken lightly for without pretreatment to prevent symptoms an attack could become a medical emergency.

This class of asthma presents with patients who have symptoms more often than twice per week but less than once per day. Mild persistent asthmatics often have nighttime symptoms more often than twice per month but less than once per week. Lung function testing would show a PEF of greater than 80% of the predicted value which is similar to mild intermittent but with the difference of more variability in the 20 to 30% range. Most mild persistent asthmatics can be best treated with inhaled corticosteroids with a rescue inhaler used only on an as needed basis. Other treatment options exist but will not be covered here. This is the class of asthmatic that seems to often be mis medicated because although a rescue inhaler will often keep many patients essentially symptom free it will do nothing to decrease the inflammation that is a component for even the mild persistent asthmatic. This point should be reinforced: you do not treat persistent asthmatics with a short acting inhaler as mono therapy and the rule of thumb should be considered and a patient considered not under suitable control if they exceed one inhaler per month.

Prior to treatment the moderate persistent asthmatic typically has daily symptoms with exacerbations at least twice per week on average. These flare-ups affect normal daily activity and often last for a number of days. Nighttime symptoms are seen more often than once per week. Lung function tests will show a PEF in the range of 60 to 80% of the predicted value with a variability of greater than 30%. Like the mild persistent asthmatic there are many moderate persistent asthmatics that are not being treated correctly. A short acting rescue inhaled used as monotherapy for an asthmatic at this level is simply bad medicine. It must be remembered that any one of the classifying symptoms is enough to place a patient in a given level so for example if a patient has nighttime symptoms more than once a week (one of the features of this class) then they should be considered to be moderate persistent even with out any of the other features. Remember if uncertain where to stage a given patient the physician should move in the direction of higher rather than lower classification. The moderate persistent asthmatic is usually best treated with a low to medium dose inhaled corticosteroid in combination with a long acting beta-agonist. Other treatment options exist but this is the best for most moderate persistent patients. Once again it needs to be reinforced that excessive use of short acting inhalers on a regular basis is a sign of poor control and the need for reevaluation of the treatment plan!

This is the highest classification of asthma patient. The severe persistent asthmatic is always symptomatic with the ability for only limited physical activity. Both daytime and nighttime exacerbations are frequent and can last for extended periods. Lung function testing will show a PEF of 60% or less of predicted value with a variability of greater than 30%. The severe persistent asthmatic is usually best treated with a high dose inhaled corticosteroid combined with a long acting beta-agonist. To achieve long term control oral corticosteroids are often needed with the goal of achieving control with the lowest daily dose possible thereby reducing systemic side effects.

This article has focused on the importance of correctly determining the type (category) of asthma that a patient has thereby providing their physician the information needed to deliver optimal therapy. The levels can certainly change (either up or down) over time because asthma categories are not static.

Although as current and accurate as possible, the information contained in this article or provided to you by the author in an email or any other manner, may not relate to your particular medical condition and is not intended to be used in the diagnosis or treatment of any specific medical condition. Always refer to your healthcare provider before making any changes in your treatment plan.

For additional asthma information visit: where you will also find coverage on a variety of other health topics throughout the main website.

The author of this article Martin Rossi is a U.S. licensed pharmacist who is also specialty certified to provide patient education for a number of disease states including asthma. He has been in practice for over 20 years in a variety of professional settings and has lectured on and created continuing education programs for a number of health related topics. Martin also holds a MBA degree and has worked part time as a marketing consultant.

You can contact the author with questions or comments and also find many helpful asthma resource links at:

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Where To Look For Holiday Home Insurance Deals

Wouldnt it be nice to own your own holiday home, to be able to go and take a break whenever you want and in property of your own? The idea of owning a holiday home is a very popular one and more and more people are jumping onto the bandwagon and either having the luxury of owning their own holiday property or taking advantage of renting it out to others. However in order for the venture to get off to the best start you need excellent advice when it comes to the best holiday home insurance deals and mortgage offers.

While we all have the dream of owning our own holiday home, very few of us have the knowledge required when it comes to finding the best holiday home insurance deals and this is where you should consider going to a specialist broker. Brokers who specialise in holiday home insurance and mortgages can save you thousands of pounds - and a lot of worry - in the long run.

Holiday home insurance is different from the general insurance that is taken out on your home. Very often the property will be left empty and this makes it a prime target for burglars. The type of insurance that you need will depend on whether the property is solely for your own enjoyment or if you are going to be letting it as a holiday home to bring in an income. If its for a holiday let then the insurance has to be more extensive and cover a wider range of possibilities.

The best holiday home insurance deals can only be found by a specialist broker. If the holiday home is solely for yourself then factors such as the normal which include the shell and contents have to be covered of course. However other factors which should be taken into consideration are the outbuildings, any patio or garden furniture, garages and swimming pools.

If you are going to be letting the holiday home then you will need different types of insurance along with what are considered to be the normal. If the holiday home is a buy to let then you will be considered to be running a business and as such you will need to be covered as a landlord. This means that you will have to think about liability damage, this means that should a tenant get hurt due to neglect on or in the property you will be covered for any claim they might make against you.

You will also have to consider taking out cover against those who let you down with the rent and of course the property should be covered against natural disasters such as fire, flood and subsidence. A broker of course will be able to look around for you and get you the cheapest protection to suit your needs.

Sean Horton is a Director of Holiday Home Mortgages, which offers UK residents the finance to buy a UK based holiday home. The site offers a Free Guide to download for Holiday Let Mortgages .

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If Doing a First Time Wilderness Canoe Trip, Take a Course And Do It Right!

Many visitors outside of Canada wish to experience a Canadian canoe trip. Canada is the land of moose, bear, timber wolves and beaver. It has miles of lakes and forest. To the visitor this is the place to be but the challenge is getting the experience to do it.

Novice canoeist planning a week canoe trip would be wise to take a one day canoe trip training. The purpose of these courses is to equip the beginning canoeist with the skills to enjoy a multi-day canoe trip. The second purpose is to develop a level of competence so that the novice can do a canoe trip without a personal guide.

These instructional courses give the novice access to an experienced canoeist/instructor to answer questions and teach bush smarts. The mentor takes the beginner through instructional situations with hands-on practice periods. Often the teaching sites are modeled after wilderness sites to assist the novice in experiencing what to expect.

The instructors will help with canoe trip planning to match the needs and expectations of the beginner. The course teaches how to interpret park maps and set achievable daily paddle distances. Discussions cover how to locate overland crossings (portages) to adjoining lakes and select wilderness campsites.

The canoe course teaches safety techniques and common sense for inclement weather. Beginners learn how to paddle and steer a canoe. Instructors demonstrate different techniques for carrying a canoe overland and how to properly pack a canoe for stability. Camping techniques are taught on firewood and cooking fires, putting up a tent & campsite selection, as well as animal proofing for the unexpected.

The course includes hands-on packing techniques, food & clothing, first aid needs, cooking equipment, sleeping bag and tent selection. Some instruction courses will even assist the novice in getting rental of packs, canoes and tents from local reputable outfitters.

Most canoe courses are about 6 hours in length. They are often offered on weekends from April until October. The teaching sessions are group sessions, but individuals, couples and families can be accommodated.

For the experienced wilderness canoeist, the courses are of little relevance. But for the novice, these courses are worth the investment. They develop the needed skills and knowledge to do a safe and enjoyable wilderness canoe trip.

People need to remember that they are often paddling in a wilderness that is remote and that remoteness is unfamiliar territory to most. Take some training and enjoy a great trip!

Garth Pottruff has done a lot of guiding... taking beginner canoeist on one week trips through Quetico and Algonquin Park. His forestry background combined with years of canoeing and teaching has made him a valuable instructor to beginners.

He believes that anyone can canoe Algonquin Park or any other waters with the right knowledge and training. The novice canoeist needs a resource to answer their questions and direct them. A one day prep courses on canoe tripping is the best way to prepare

For more information on preparing for canoe trips visit learning adventures at:

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Top Tips For Planning The Ultimate Alaska Fishing Vacation

Alaska salmon fishing tours were started on a simple premise. A need was spotted in the fishing market, and several folks decided that if no one else was going to satisfy this need, well, heck, they sure would do it. More than 30 years later, many of these businesses have created huge empires for themselves.

If youre a fisherman, and you havent really given much thought to planning a fishing vacation for yourself, then theres no better time then the present.

Imagine yourself in Alaska, far from the urban sprawl of everyday life, standing in a clear, crisp river thats loaded to the brim with trophy salmon and healthy, beautiful arctic char. A short 100 yards from the rivers edge is your private Alaskan fishing lodge. All around you is the pristine wilderness of Alaska, and no one to interrupt the view, and no one to disturb your concentration as you attempt to land the big one.

Every fisherman dreams of the day he or she can make the pilgrimage to the fabled Alaska Salmon Fishing Mecca. Living your Alaskan dream doesn't have to wait any longer. It's actually much more affordable than you realize. There are many Alaska Salmon Fishing packages available that are designed to fit just about any budget.

It takes a special breed of angler to flock to this nook of the world, where many a fishing lore is born. Alaska fishing legends are home to salmon runs so thick you can walk across their backs, halibut so big they're called barn doors, and bottom fish so plentiful, fishing for them is called "catching". Historically, Alaska's fishing bounty has been so rich that it could feed a hungry world, and continues to do so to this day.

If you plan an Alaska fishing trip, you will definitely want an experienced, well-seasoned guide. Ideally, you need to find someone who can pinpoint the best time, place and specific areas to fish. The best fishing guide is one who knows these waters thoroughly. Many companies have seasoned and friendly Alaska fishing guides and charter captains who will make your Alaska fishing trip a very pleasurable experience.

If you want to experience great Alaska fishing, the Kenai is the only place to be!

While other parts of Alaska are experiencing increasingly limited salmon runs, this area has experienced predictable solid runs of each species. Many times, operating in small groups not only adds to a guests experience, but more importantly it limits any interference in the natural processes of the lands being utilized.

You can choose to fish with award winning guides who specialize in big fish, who have the best equipment, and you can just about guarantee yourself a great experience. Whether you're considering fishing for a single day, whole week, river or fly-in fishing these guides can hook you up. And it is often surprisingly affordable no matter what you budget might be.

Mike Long is the webmaster and publisher of The Easy Fisherman's Newsletter, a weekly publication giving anglers tips, secrets, insights, articles and other information cover the sport fishing. You can pick up a copy of his ebook, "The Pocket Fishing Guide" for free, just for signing up for the newsletter.

You can pick up your free copy of "The Pocket Fishing Guide" at

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Catalog Printing - The 5 Things You'll Ever Need

Catalogs do much more than sell products. They often provide your clients a glimpse into the inner workings of your company. It can communicate and reflect your company's creativity, dynamism and success. Catalogs and catalog printing does this and much more for your company.

This is by no means an easy feat to accomplish because catalogs, unlike multi-page brochures, are generally bulkier and requires more attention to details. Owing to the number of pages, it is requires more concentration. Essentially, every page must be well crafted and thoroughly thought of.

Furthermore, the design should be consistent with the overall marketing strategy of the company. Any error in your design or layout could potentially lead to a waste of precious time and money.

So how do we prevent these mistakes? What makes a good catalog? Here are some tips you might consider when doing one.

Invest in photography
Catalogs generally contain pictures and lots of images. So why not invest in the services of a photographer who has an eye for getting the best angle of your products? Surely, your clients will be able to fully appreciate such photos.

It is worth noting that having excellent photos prepared, makes it all the more easier for you to prepare and print your catalogs. You could almost say that half of your selling is done with such great photos.

Assign graphic artists
Once you have the photos, it is time you let the graphic artists do their work. These may include creating illustrations and of course, doing the layout. It is such an important task that would incorporate all other aspects of catalog making including cover design and placing the appropriate texts on the pages.

Be aware of the timeline
A project such as this often encounters difficulties with respect to meeting deadlines. Always incorporate a realistic and separate time table for printing, which includes proofing by the printers, room in case any revisions should be made, turnaround time, and of course shipping time.

Even though printers are efficient and works to meet your deadlines, it is still better to allocate you and your printer enough time so as to produce a more accurate, polished work.

Other than this, it pays that you follow your schedules strictly.

Double Check Details
Yes, the catalog is a visual document but like any reading material, you should check all the information youve input. Check and double check labels and information. One fatal mistake will leave an ugly imprint or cause confusion among your clients.

Choose a print company wisely
How important is choosing the right printing for your catalog printing project? Choosing the right printing company is dreadfully important. If we were to fully discuss it here, we would go to such lengths it might be quite boring to read. Nevertheless, it is the printing company who executes all your designs and layout.

Relying on an inexperienced printing may only bring you more difficulties and prolong your catalog printing project.

As mentioned previously, you should have a printing company that offers full color printing. It also should possess the necessary equipment produce high quality prints on a consistent basis.

Ask about binding, scoring, folding and stitching. The more options they offer, the more itll be advantageous for you to get all the details you need.

Check too if they have personal customer support that can accommodate you if and when any unforeseen problems may arise during printing.

Creating catalogs isnt an easy job. But choosing the right catalog printing company as your printing solutions provider can make everything go more smoothly. You dont even have to worry much cause theyd do the worrying for you.

With a bit of luck, youll have the catalogs of your dreams. But with the right catalog printing company, youll have all the luck youll ever need for your project.

To find more interesting topics on printing catalogs can be found at Catalog Printing Experts

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

In this article, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment, you will discover:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Facts
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms
  • Diagnosing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Diet Trigger Foods
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Treatment
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Facts

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that affects the gut.

The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is unknown.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are:

  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Intermittent constipation or diarrhea
  • Urgent need to defecate
  • Loose or watery or hard or lumpy stools
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement
  • Abdominal fullness
  • Wind
  • Abdominal soreness
  • Fatigue
  • Backache
  • Passing mucus during defecation
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Diagnosing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
To diagnose irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), your doctor will use tests such as sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and a biopsy and ask about your symptoms to find out whether you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Diet Trigger Foods

Trigger foods for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are:

  • Alcohol
  • Animal fats
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Coffee and tea
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Insoluble fibre
  • Spicy foods
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Treatment

Taking the following steps may help with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS):

1. Try to chew your food thoroughly as the digestion process of food starts in the mouth and eat small amounts often.

If you stomach is empty, for example first thing in the morning, it is best to eat a soluble fibre food first and peel, finely chop and cook fruits and vegetables.

2. Drinking peppermint tea and taking peppermint oil capsules will help to soothe your intestines during an attack.

It is best to take peppermint oil capsules before a meal.

3. Taking;

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Multi-minerals
  • Multi-vitamins
  • Probiotics
  • Psylluim husks
will help with your symptoms.

4. Taking regular exercise will help to stimulate your digestion.

Finally, it is best to keep a food diary, some foods may just make your symptoms worse, keeping a log of all the foods you eat will help you understand which foods cause you a problem; this will help to know which foods to avoid in the future.

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

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5 Steps to Home Office Efficiency and Style

Working at home can be a rewarding experience if the right steps are taken early in transition. Here are just five steps to make the journey to working from home a little easier:

  1. Know your style. Is your ideal work space super quiet and organized? Or do you feel the need for music playing in the background as you work? Make a list what you need to get your brain juices flowing.
  2. Add in extra lighting. A well-lighted room increases your energy level. A poorly lit room increases the chances that you will nod off during your work day. If you expect to have clients, a well-lit room reiterates that they are there for business purposes.
  3. Cut the clutter with organizational devices. File cabinets, shelves and small tables free space on your work desk. An orderly environment allows you to find materials quickly and adds credibility to your efforts to work from home.
  4. Consider comfort. Since you plan to spend at least half you day inside your home office, you should pick ergonomic furniture. Because you are working for yourself, sick days equal no payday. Ergonomic furniture can reduce those aches and pains associated with poorly designed furniture.
  5. Think privacy. The purpose of a home office is to separate your home and work spaces. Set critical office hours and make sure family, friends and neighbors know you are not to be disturbed during that time. Keep business materials secure to insure the privacy of your clients.

Initially working from home may be a difficult adjustment for yourself and your family. However, with proper time management you may find becoming an entrepreneur the most rewarding decision you have ever made.

Tiffany Green is the founder of, an online resource for female entrepreneurs. After several years of participating with MLM organizations, Tiffany decided put her energy into a something she truly believes in, her ability to research information. At women can find articles and resources related to business startup, finance, growth and more.

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