Monday, November 19, 2007 

The Satellite Radio Antenna - Choosing the Antenna That's Right for You

The Satellite radio antenna is one of three basic hardware components youll need to receive those digital audio streams from your favourite Satellite radio service provider.

Although both providers offer similar services and use similar technologies, the associated hardware, including the antenna, is designed to receive either XM or Sirius programming. We have read articles where listeners have interchanged antennas with some success but it is not recommended.

The antennas task is to pick up the signals transmitted from the Satellites and terrestrial repeaters scattered about the U.S., with a reliable receive performance. In order to achieve this, the antenna must have an unobstructed view (line-of-sight) of at least one orbiting satellite. In urban areas where buildings and terrain are likely to block the Satellite signal, the antenna picks up the signal broadcast from the terrestrial repeaters instead.

To ensure an uninterrupted Satellite radio service, both Sirius and XM provide recommendations for ideal antenna mounting locations. Furthermore, many home and plug-and-play Satellite radio units offer special antenna aiming screens within their menu options.

With a rapid advancement in Satellite radio antenna technology, XM and Sirius are able to offer their listeners a wide range of antennas, accessories and flexible installation options.

So the question: Which Satellite radio antenna do I need? Although taste can play a small part in choosing the right antenna, the decision largely depends on whether you want to listen to Satellite radio in your vehicle, on your boat, at home or indeed anywhere! One thing you can be sure of is that all Satellite radio antennas available today are neither too cumbersome, nor impose limitations on your vehicle, boat or homes aesthetics.

For more information please visit:

This article may be freely reproduced so long as the link above is included in its entirety.

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Predictions of Trends in ELT for 2006: What to Expect in the Upcoming Year

English Language Teaching and learning methodology and didactic approaches have been in an almost constant state of flux since the advent of the Grammar Translation method documented by German-American anthropologist Franz Boas and the Danish linguist Otto Jespersen during the early 20th century. From these beginnings through a range of audio-lingual, interactive and communicative methods to CALL and ESP, there has been a virtually continuous research and development in English language acquisition and learning. What though, are some further developments we might look forward to during 2006 considering recent trends in ELT?

Prediction of ELT Trends for 2006 In view of both past and recent trends in ELT, the following aspects would seem to be imminent for the upcoming months of 2006 and beyond. These may include:

An increase in online ELT resources With costs soaring and many economies slowly crumbling, lowered teacher student contact hours will mandate an increase in online facilities for both teachers and students

Incremented use of vlogs and blogs as teaching / learning tools Technology continues to race ahead with greater resources, hardware and software developing at increasingly lower cost allowing us to do far more at much less cost than ever before. Websites and the need to extensive knowledge of programming and software are being rapidly replaced by weblogs (blogs) and video animation web logs (vlogs) which allow inclusion of full audio-video applications in e-mails and online postings at little or no cost. Resource and cash - strapped institutions of learning will now be able to produce and maintain high-quality materials online.

Continued virtual education expansion Already making serious headway at many previously resistant institutions of language learning, virtual courses and online learning will continually expand as its cost-effectiveness will aid schools to get or stay competitive

A general reduction in teacher student contact hours To reduce costs and boost profitability, many institutions are adapting reduced teacher to student contact hours with more student time spent online or in a virtual environment.

Expanded use of web quests - As efforts to create more autonomous learners develop, increased use of task-based learning online such as web quests will see a dramatic rise in implementation

An increase in the production of regional and locally focused EFL texts and materials In many economies, materials produced in first world conditions and costs but marketed in third world economic environments are simply unaffordable to students. To circumvent the inability of learners to acquire commercially-produced text materials, local publishers and institutions will prepare, produce and publish materials designed specifically for the needs of their students.

Smarter, better-prepared, more savvy teachers and programs that will derive greater market share Better educated, better prepared, more qualified teachers will attract the lions share of the available student market to those institutions which produce the best results, that is, prepares learners to immediately to advantage of and apply their knowledge and ability to use English. 20% of the institutions in a given market may well capture more than 80% of the available learners creating a market imbalance in their favor.

A shift in student enrollment into more practical vocation-based ESP courses and programs As economies continue to shrink and tighten, conditions will favor those institutions of learning which provide practically applied language learning courses and programs. That is, English for specific career / employment application using English as an integral part of a field, career or job function that will give learners greater prospects and employability will attract and hold a greater number of enrolled students.

An even greater focus on English language qualifying exams for teachers and students How do you tell whos good and whos not? How do you know where you stand in relation to other teachers, other students or other institutions in the general scheme of things? That is, without trying to compare apples to avocadoes? One answer of course is using globally-based standards and evaluations. Exams, evaluations like the IELTS and TOEFL will see greater application for both teachers and students. Administrators can instantly evaluate and compare English language knowledge and skills of their teaching staff. Teachers can gain a much deeper insight into the English language knowledge and skills of their students at any stage of the course or curriculum.

Greater use of multi-modal teaching methodology and didactics No two students or teachers are alike. Reaching Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students can be an especially difficult challenge even for the best, most experienced teachers. One approach that can help to minimize the difficulty is the use of a multi-modal approach. As such it will be more widely adapted. It also promotes greater flexibility and a broader range of activities in the classroom promoting student interest, language acquisition rates and participation.

An increasing acceptance of different varieties of English What is correct English is a question which has been under heavy dispute for a number of years. Is British English better than American English or other varieties of English? Is the Spanish of Spain (i.e., Castellano) better than the Spanish of Latin America? With increasing globalization, like it or not, will come greater acceptance of different varieties of English.

Broader acceptance and integration of the Common European Framework standards for English language teaching, learning and evaluation and testing As the need for global standards in teaching, testing and evaluating English become necessary, the CEF standards should fully emerge as a beacon to guide a multitude of approaches toward a commonly shared goal.

In the article Past Trends in ELT: How We Got to Where We Are previous ELT trends were discussed. In the months ahead, we should look to be spending less time with our students, helping them to develop greater autonomy in their language learning, using multiple approaches and methodologies with each group of language learners to provide an expanded total learning environment. Well see more latitude in acceptance of what is considered to be correct English language and usage. Teachers and students alike with strive more for globally accepted skills and abilities in the English language.

Prof Larry M. Lynch is a certified English language teacher / trainer, bi-lingual copywriter, expert author and photographer specializing in business, travel, food and education-related writing in South America. His work has appeared in Transitions Abroad, South American Explorer, Escape From America, Mexico News and Brazil magazines. He teaches at a university in Cali, Colombia. To read more or get additional original, exclusive language education based articles and content for your newsletter, blog or website contact him at:

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7 Fish Oil Benefits Proven by Research

Research studies show fish oil benefits are down right amazing.

And knowing this is the second most important thing you can do for your health. (We'll get to #1 in importance soon.)

Studies are published almost daily as the scientific community discovers more and more of the many extraordinary omega 3 fish oil benefits.

If you haven't already been swept up in the net yet, here are 7 proven omega 3 benefits you should know about.

1. Less Pain and Inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response. Through several mechanisms, they regulate your body's inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and anything else ending in "itis."

2. Cardiovascular Health. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been proven to work wonders for your heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. They help to lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol. This adds years to your life expectancy.

3. Protection from Stroke and Heart Attack. When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it causes what's known as a thrombosis, which is a fancy way of saying clot. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Research shows omega 3 fatty acids break up clots before they can cause any damage.

4. Better Brain Function and Higher Intelligence. Pregnant and nursing mothers can have a great impact on the intelligence and happiness of their babies by supplementing with fish oil. For adults, omega 3 improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You'll swear you're getting younger and smarter.

5. Less Depression and Psychosis. Making you smarter is not all omega 3 does for your brain. Psychiatry department researchers at the University of Sheffield, along with many other research studies, found that omega 3 fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis (Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55).

6. Lower Incidence of Childhood Disorders. Just to show how fish oil fatty acids leave nobody out, studies show that children (and adults) with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have gotten a new lease on life thanks to omega 3 oils.

7. Reduction of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer. And finally, omega 3 fish oil has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer breast, colon and prostate. Science tells us that omega 3s accomplish this in three ways. They stop the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and causing apoptosis, or cellular death, of cancer cells.

So you can see why knowing these benefits is the second most important thing you can do for your health. Can you guess what number one is?

That's right! Now it's time to put your knowledge to work. Eat more cold water oily fish and start taking good quality pure omega 3 fish oil supplements regularly.

Copyright by Michael Byrd. All Rights Reserved.

Michael has nearly 20 years experience and education in nutrition and physical therapy. His pursuit of wellness has led him to understand the extraordinary healing power of natural whole foods and the many fish oil health benefits.

To look younger, feel better and stay healthy, visit Michael at the omega 3 web site and request your Free CD on the omega 3 industry secrets..

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How to Make a Time Capsule

Looking for an unusual and memorable gift? Why not preserve a slice of history by creating a time capsule for your loved one?

A personalized time capsule can be made for any special event, such as a birthday, wedding anniversary, graduation or even the birth of a child. Your personally designed time capsule preserves history, popular culture, special memories and can help link generations of a family together. It is a unique and thoughtful gift that will be appreciated and long remembered.

There are a number of steps to keep in mind when creating a time capsule gift.


Traditionally, a time capsule provides a snapshot of a specific day in history. Consequently, if you are making a capsule to welcome a new baby into the family, then you would focus on the babys birth date -- what was happening in the world and with the babys family on that day. On the other hand, if the capsule is to mark your grandparents 50th wedding anniversary, you probably want to make it more of a retrospective on their many years of marriage.


1. Start Early. The best part of any time capsule is the thought and preparation that goes into it. Be sure that you dont rush the process. If you leave everything until the last minute, it will look that way!

2. Choose a Container. Think cool and dry when you search for just the right container. Check online for affordable time capsules and you will find a variety of styles. Some will even engrave the persons name on your selected capsule. However, to make it very simple, you can make your own capsule by choosing a sturdy metal container that can be properly sealed.

3. Select an Unsealing Date. Perhaps you want to set a significant date, such as a childs 21st birthday, a couples silver wedding anniversary or return from military service. Most people give their time capsule to the recipient unsealed so additional items can be added. However, you can seal it before it is presented and have the contents be a total surprise when it is opened.

4. Put it in Writing. This is especially important if the time capsule will be opened far in the future. Make a capsule document that details everything about it, including the contents, unsealing date, purpose of the capsule and who should be present when it is unsealed. Then keep it in a safe place.

5. Storing the Time Capsule. Although you may be tempted, it is not advisable to bury your capsule. You are likely to move or forget exactly where it is buried, and the contents could be damaged by the elements. Its a better idea to give the capsule a special place in your home -- perhaps the fireplace mantle or on the family piano. Let the capsule become a conversation piece as you show it to friends and family and talk about its significance.


The key to a meaningful time capsule is to make it personal, relevant and interesting. Following are some ideas on items to include and more importantly a few to leave out.

First, it is strongly recommended not to include food, drinks or liquids. Basically, anything that could ruin the contents or create a bad odor. Instead, consider coins, money, stamps, a small keepsake album, newspapers and magazines. Write a letter explaining the time capsules purpose -- be sure to use acid-free paper that wont deteriorate as quickly. Cards and photos are an excellent choice, but consider layering them with acid-free paper as well.

If you are making the capsule for a person with special interests, try to incorporate their personality into the contents. For instance, a political junkie will enjoy campaign buttons and literature. Someone who is a golf fanatic will love golf paraphernalia or the signature of a famous golfer. A college graduate will get a kick out of seeing the plastic and metal character style toys that kids were playing with when he was born.

You can choose contents that are more lighthearted and funny or more serious and reflective. Just remember that you set the tone.

To learn about the history of the time capsule and how to register your personally created capsule, please visit the All About Baby website at

About The Author

Nancy Wurtzel founded her ecommerce business, All About Baby, in 1995. All About Baby at specializes in personalized and memorable gifts for children. Ms. Wurtzel also consults with small businesses seeking to enter the marketplace.

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Answer This Simple Question and You Too Can Succeed in Business

Whats the most important asset your business has? Ive posed that question dozens of times to business owners in various industries over the years. Sadly most have fallen short of what I believe to be the correct answer.

So that I dont cause you any further undue stress, I may as well just let the cat out of the bag now. The answer is:

Your existing customers!

Thats right! The most valuable asset your business has, is not your store, the fixtures, not your inventory, intellectual properties, fleet of vehicles, computers and software, not even, dare I say, your employees its your database of existing customers.

Establishing long-term relationships with your customers is the backbone and lifeblood of your business. Its what enables your business to grow and profit. Many companies spend a lot of time and money trying to find new customers and very little in keeping their existing customers.

The Cost of Not Staying Connected with Customers is Real and Measurable

Numbers dont lie. Attracting a new customer can cost 5 to 10 times more in advertising and promotional dollars than it costs to retain an existing one. Research analyst Alex Brown estimates that U.S. organizations lose one-half of their customers every five years, and a 5% incremental improvement in the customer retention rate could have the effect of doubling profits. Its axiomatic that a loyal customer is many times more likely to be a source of referrals or positive word-of-mouth.

Keep Customers Connected to You and Your Brand

Direct mail and e-mail marketing will allow you to nurture your customers over time by keeping in touch on a regular and consistent basis. When implemented consistently, direct mail and e-mail marketing can be an important component in leveraging customer relationships. Youll enjoy improved retention, and create loyalty to your brand.

Its All about Communication

How do you get repeat business and earn customer loyalty and referrals? Take a lesson from businesses that long ago grasped the dynamics and importance of building customer relationships through on-going communication. They nurture their customer base over time by keeping in touch on a regular basis ensuring that their business remains top of mind.

Creating and Keeping Lifelong Customers is the Goal:

Of course you wont keep all of your customers for life any more than you can win at Bingo every time. You can be assured however, that if you consistently and properly implement a keep in touch program, over time it can have a very positive impact on the growth of your business and the brand as a whole.

So what are you waiting for?

Word Power! Are You Ready to Use the Power of Persuasive Copy to Ignite Your Profits? Hank Rosen is an award winning direct-response copywriter/marketing consultant. You can reach him by e-mail:, or visit:

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Health Care Jobs Are Hot!

Health care jobs are the hottest career going right now.

Okay, we all know that if you study medicine, you can eventually become a doctor or a nurse. When it comes to health care jobs, this seems to be the only two things that pop into most people's minds.

However, there is actually a very wide array of career opportunities for those who want to take up health care without necessarily going through the long years of intensive study required to become even a general practitioner type of doctor, much less a specialist. Here are some of the other types of jobs available in the health care industry that you may want to look into.

Physical Therapist - as a physical therapist, your main job description is all about helping people who have physical motor impairments for one reason or another. It can range from teaching someone just recently crippled in the leg to walk again, to assisting a man with a broken shoulder learn to use his arm.

Physical therapists are also versed in massage, so you'll have to be very good with your hands. Generally, physical therapy is an occupation taken by those who love living active lives, and want to help others get their bodies in working order again after an injury.

Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics - this is all about those little pills and syrups that patients hate with a passion. The studies of pharmacology and pharmaceuticals has to do mostly with memorization and practical logic. If you want to help heal people but can't stand the sight of blood or know that you're fumble fingered and will most likely stab yourself with a needle, then this is the job for you. A keen memory that lets you know which medicines are especially helpful for which ailments, and a good logical mind for mixing and matching your concoctions are the best tools for this trade.

Sports Science and Kinesthetics - this is one field of health care jobs that has less to do with repair, and more to do with development and preventive maintenance. Sports scientists and kinesthologists are closely related to physical therapists in that the body's motor functions are their prime area of study. However, instead of repairing damage to injured limbs and such, they work with optimizing the athletic capabilities of their patients, with an eye towards functionality and health.

Dietologist - this is an often overlooked area of health care jobs that is vital despite it's lack of acclaim. Dieticians help analyze the eating habits of their patients and recommend the healthiest possible eating habits for them. On a light note, dietitians most commonly see patients whose main problems are either obesity or being underweight.

In these simple cases, balancing their patient's diet is enough to get them fixed up. On a more serious note, dietitians can also expect to encounter patients whose eating habits are affected by physical disorders like diabetes or allergies, and have to recommend diets for them that will allow them to keep a comparatively balanced nutrition despite the restrictions placed on them by their ailments.

Rehabilitative Therapist - this is a type of therapist specializing in the treatment of people who were hooked on cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. A combination of skills go into this, ranging from simple herbal medicinal treatment, to physical therapy geared towards alleviating withdrawal symptoms, to psychology. Rehabilitative therapists are rare, simply because most rehab clinics are government or charity sponsored, so the pay isn't all that high. However, the real reward comes from each life changed for the better.

Midwifery - lastly, another health care job that people often overlook is midwifery. This is simply specializing in helping women through childbirth. In ancient times, midwifery was restricted to helping women during the actual act of delivering the baby. In modern times, midwifery has expanded to include dietary and medicinal tips for pregnant women, and both physical and psychological therapy for women during conception and after birth.

These are just some of the major health care jobs available for those who want to help other people, but have always been reluctant due to the belief that if you study medicine, you wind up having to go through years of training and becoming a doctor. The human body is an infinitely complex machine, so it's only logical that there have to be people to take care of the small things as well as the large when it comes to healing and staying healthy.

Monica Nelson writes about health topics, about womens health questions issues, and about specific topics such as online nursing schools and online nursing degrees. These health articles are provided as a helpful news service and are not to be considered medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about health issues.

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Scuba Diving Gear Reviews and Advice For Beginners

It can be an exciting or terrifying experience - buying your first scubadiving gear. When you first walk into the Aladdin's cave just groaning with the latest dive technology, your question is likely to be "Where do I possibly start?" The answer is quite simple. Choose your dive centre very carefully - then, if you enjoyed your scubadiving course, trust them to outfit you with the best dive gear for your type of diving.

When you select your dive centre start by establishing the credentials of it. Generally, the more status the dive centre has, the more it has been audited for quality and customer service. If possible, choose a PADI 5 Star Career Development Centre. Failing that, try a PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Centre and so on down the retail status list. Other training agencies have similar ratings. Word of mouth is another very strong indicator as most people tell others about a bad experience.

After you have completed your course, unless you are totally focused and do it beforehand, you will want to buy your our scubadiving gear. There are literally thousands of different dive items on the market and each scuba retailer offers a selective few brands. Normally these equipment lines are complementary so that the dive centre should be able to satisfy novice or experienced recreational divers through to highly experienced technical divers. If you are about to buy your own scuba gear take time to read our advice.

Probably the most critical dive equipment is the regulator and buoyancy control device BCD) combination. The regulator should be selected on performance and reliability, that is ease of breathing at the depths you intend to dive to. Do a careful price comparison if your budget is critical. Your scuba dive centre retailer will guide you here.

A BCD must be comfortable but most importantly it must be able to lift your face clear of the water at the surface. The inflator mechanism must be easy and fast to operate. Check the lift of a BCD before you start loading the integrated weight system up with lead weight. While it may lift you wearing a wetsuit, it may be overloaded once you take it off to pass it (with any integrated weight & cylinder) into the boat. Recreational BCDs are not designed for technical diving and should not be used for that purpose.

You will need to consider your instruments as well. Whatever your financial position you will need a submersible pressure gauge (SPG) and compass. It may be cheaper to purchase a dive computer rather than a depth gauge and timer / underwater watch. Dive computers show dive and surface interval details as well as guiding your ascent speed.

Some give integrated information on nitrogen absorption and gas consumption. With a computer it is easy to retrieve dive information so you can log your dive.There are also Nitrox computers for sport divers and multiple gas computers for tech divers. Get your dive instruments in a console for easy reference.

For regulators BCDs and instruments, check the warrantee. If you intend to travel, it should be worldwide. Some offer lifetime warrantees for parts. Beware buying product over the Internet, as there may be no warrantee. In many countries, scuba dealers will not honour internet warrantees, as the product was not bought through a licenced dealer and ownership is hard to authenticate.

You will want to stay warm and may only need a shorty wetsuit in the tropics. As you move further away from the equator, you might need a full length 5mm or 7mm wetsuit or even a drysuit. Try to buy the best you can afford as you will not enjoy even the most spectacular dive if you are trying to stay warm. Night diving is fantastic - only if you are warm. Comfort and fit are critical.

When you select your dive mask try every one on display. Ssniff in hard and listen for air leaks to ensure an exact fit. Additionally, press the mask in over your nose and brow to ensure there is no contact. Some mask lenses can be changed for prescription lenses. If you wear glasses ask your scuba dealer which ones will take prescription lenses. Identify the dive masks that fit then try those few again. When you get to the best two, choose the cheaper one. If your mask does not fit well, you will not enjoy your scuba diving. Resist the temptation to buy a cheap snorkel. You need a good one so you can breathe on the surface face down. Accept the dive centre retailer's advice.

Fins are your propellers. Get fins that fit your feet properly, without placing pressure on your toes or the bridge of your foot. Always wear your own dive booties when trying on fins. Split fin technology is state-of-the-art now and worth every cent. Try for a soft or medium flex fin. If you want to be a technical diver, select firmer split fins. Get spring straps if your retailer has them.

You will need weight unless you are negatively buoyant at the surface. When you purchase your BCD, consider one that allows you to carry weight in the BCD weight pockets rather than around your waist. Many women do get minor bruising on the hips through wearing heavy weight belts. With a drysuit you will generally need more weight than you would with a wetsuit. Contoured weights are preferable to slab weights.

You are now set to have fantastic scubadiving adventures. Enjoy the freedom of gliding in the ocean current along coral encrusted walls, through underwater canyons, exploring timeless shipwrecks or absorbing the stillness and tranquillity of a freshwater lake. Wherever you are, you will enjoy your scuba diving if you are confidant that you have chosen your scubadiving gear wisely.

Tony Howell is the owner/manager of New Zealand Sea Adventures, Wellington's only PADI Career Development Centre. Tony's qualifications include: PADI Course Director, PADI Specialty Instructor Trainer in over 25 specialtys, TDI Instructor Trainer (IT), First Aid & CPR IT, Coastguard Tutor/Examiner and Service Technician IT. Tony has helped hundreds of people to choose the best scuba diving gear to give them the most enjoyable and safe diving experience.

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For Widows Only - 5 Mistakes To Avoid This Holiday Season

Its the holiday season, whoop dee doo, and you the newly widowed find yourself engulfed in mistletoe and smiling faces. Everyones singing a happy tune Everyone but you You wonder, how will I get through this holiday season without Him?

Im here to tell you, you can. And you will.

While I cant change your circumstances, I can offer 5 mistakes for you the newly widowed to avoid this holiday season which will help turn your sadness into gladness.

Here they are:

Wearing your heart on your sleeve -

Moaning, whining, groaning is no way to spread holiday cheer. Beat those blues -- Go shopping! Bake bread! Dust homemade brownies in confectioners sugar. Plastic plate them, wrap everything in see-through wrap, then stick a bow on it.

No. Not for you. For someone you dont know.

You need not be rich as Rockefeller to honor that responsible receptionist who smiled brightly that frosty morning you were late escorting Him for that dreaded doctor visit, or to make that next door neighbor who prepared spaghetti dinner for you after the funeral feel appreciated. A home baked goodie from your kitchen, a box of inexpensive chocolates from the corner drugstore wrapped in foil and tied in fancy ribbon with your hand written note complimenting a job well done is bound to win praises and melt the iciest of hearts -- Yours!

Performing the simplest act of kindness at this time of the year is lifes greatest gift, to you. I promise you will feel great and you will make a friend.

Showing too many tears -

Not a good thing, especially this time of year. Yes, you the newly widowed miss your life partner. Life sucks without him. And, you hate every freaking light on that tree. But dont let it spoil your holiday.

Instead, honor your man. Let His spirit fill your senses. Go to church, light a candle; make a donation to a favorite charity in His name. Heck. Toss 4 quarters in that metal kettle, the one with the white-bearded guy dressed in red suit standing next to it. Let the klink of silver-coated copper coins fill your brain as they bounce to the bottom. Then raise your eyes to the heavens and thank Him for watching over you and helping you get through another holiday.

Getting caught with a frown -

Greet friends, neighbors, and family members with a great big smile. Hold your head up. Make eye contact. Flash those pearly whites. Say in your brightest cheeriest voice, Happy Holiday! Happy Healthy New Year!

You will be amazed at this infectious behavior. You will get a good chuckle at friends, neighbors, and family members reactions, expecting you the newly widowed to behave differently. I realize we cant be the life of the party, but we sure can have a good time trying.

Dressing down -

Dress for success sounds trite. But its true. The simple act of cleaning up, putting on a pretty face, and donning a frilly outfit will work wonders for your self esteem. You will look good and you will impress others.

So go to your closet, pull out something red. Pair it with that black silk skirt or pair of black velvet slacks you stashed away thinking youll never wear this again. Open that jewel box. Oh, cmon. Aint a lady on planet earth what doesnt own a holiday broach or string of pearls. Okay, so theyre not real. I wont tell. I promise.

Making it too complicated -

Widows get a bum rap. Dont be deterred if your former friends dont include you in their annual house party. The one you used to attend in a former life.

Throw a party of your own. Invite the dear women and gentleman you met at bereavement. Ask everyone to bring something good to eat or drink. Betcha 4 commemorative quarters youll win the mending hearts and respect of those widows and one widower. And, youll be one baby step closer to eking out that niche in your new life.

Being depressed

Its the time of year that brings out the best in us; the worst in us.

But heres the kicker. On this one, we have a choice. Make it positive. Think happy thoughts.

Missing a life partner, especially this time of year, is normal. Being sad, is normal. No matter our culture, our religious belief, or our holiday traditions, we share grief. But if you pay attention to my 5 mistakes to avoid this holiday season (outlined above), you just may find yourself with an ear-to-ear grin and caroling a happy tune, too.

We have only to look to Rudolph, that flying red-nosed reindeer, for inspiration. Against all odds, look what he did.

Linda Della Donna is a freelance writer. She supports new widows through the grief process. Receive a copy of Della Donnas FREE E-Book,Mourning Joy. Just visit her web site - - and subscribe to her mailing list. Learn more about Della Donna by reading her blog - - Need an interview? Perhaps you have a different writing assignment. Feel free to contact Della Donna at Shes waiting to hear from you.

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