Colonic Hydrotherapy Schools
Find Colonic Hydrotherapy Schools in the United States and Canada. If youre seeking a unique and alternative health education, one of several colonic hydrotherapy schools may be ideal for you. Typically, colonic hydrotherapy schools offer basic and advanced courses in the cleansing and detoxifying of the colon. In addition to classroom studies, students enrolled in colonic hydrotherapy schools will gain practical training in colon hydrotherapy by I-ACT certified instructors.
Students enrolled in colonic hydrotherapy schools will learn that colonic hydrotherapy is a method of cleansing and detoxifying the colon through gentle infusions of purified water, which allows the entire colon tract to be cleansed, eliminating toxic buildup, wastes and bacteria.
Training at colonic hydrotherapy schools consists of lessons in digestive system review, colon hydrotherapy procedures, health and hygiene, maintenance and sanitation of equipment, client communications and general business practices. Because it does not integrate chemicals or drugs, colonic hydrotherapy is becoming a preferred method to naturally detoxify the colon; which improves overall digestive processes.
Furthermore, students in colonic hydrotherapy schools will gain a comprehensive overview and understanding of the FDA Registered medical device, called LIBBE (Lower Intestine Bottom Bowel Evacuation System). This medical equipment is especially designed to be used as an evacuation system, and is used for the administration of colonic irrigation.
In general, students who have completed training through one of several colonic hydrotherapy schools can become eligible for I-ACT Testing for Levels I, II and III certifications. Bear in mind, however, that I-ACT Level III is primarily reserved for students who are pursuing advanced instruction and Instructor certification.
Costs of tuition at colonic hydrotherapy schools are relatively low, and courses are not nearly as long as traditional schools. This is significant; as some massage therapists and other natural healthcare practitioners may find that additional colon hydrotherapy training is an added incentive for clients and patients.
In addition to standard and advance training modules, a number of colonic hydrotherapy schools may also provide continuing education courses for practicing therapists and other health professionals.
If you would like to learn more about colonic hydrotherapy or are interested in enrolling in one of several colonic hydrotherapy schools, feel free to peruse Holistic Junction's business directory for colonic hydrotherapy schools near you today!
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Colonic Hydrotherapy Schools
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Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Healing Arts Schools, Colonic Hydrotherapy Schools, and other Alternative Medicine Schools.
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