Tuesday, January 29, 2008 

Shark Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words

As a student, I always enjoyed writing but I must admit that when I read or research something such as sharks, I do not only use texts to get my content, I also use pictures such as shark pictures. You could be surprised by all that you can learn while observing closely a picture.

For example, you can learn about the physical characteristics of certain shark species. You can observe if they have six or seven gills, the shape of their fins, compare their size to objects such as rocks or boats. You can also be able to identify their species like when you are observing great white shark pictures, you can look at the size and shape of its teeth. When looking at hammerhead shark pictures, you can see the shape of the snout, the position of the mouth compared to the tip of its snout as well as the position of their eyes and their visual abilities.

You can also have the opportunity to observe a rare specimen when you look at the Greenland shark pictures. You can use shark bite pictures or pictures of shark teeth to identify the specie responsible for the attack. For example, you can notice the peculiar bite of a specie by observing the snout or teeth of certain types of shark as the ones you find when looking at cookie cutter shark pictures.

Other pictures will give you a different view or angle of observation such as the one that you will find on aerial shark pictures. You can also learn about their babies by looking at shark pups pictures. You can view their characteristics and in some cases, their development or their position in the womb.

Finally, experts as well individuals can learn a lot from shark attacks strategies used by various species when observing pictures of shark attacks. This type of information can reinforce advice given to help potential victims to avoid shark attacks.

My name is Sylvie Leochko. I have a passion for sharks. Part of the content found in my articles is based on informative texts and videos as well as shark pictures. If you wish to learn more about shark pictures, I encourage you to visit the following main page: http://sharks.findoutnow.org/shark-pictures.html.

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Work From Home And Get More Done!

Working from home can be a most effective way to be more productive!

Today's open plan offices stop many people from getting their work done. The constant noise, phones ringing and colleagues interrupting can drive anyone to distraction!

Many people would dramatically boost their productivity if they could spend some or all of their working week out of the main office and join the thousands of small business owners who work from home.

However there are a few rules you need to follow to do this successfully:

Establish a Routine

Decide on a starting and finishing time. Include breaks.

Plan Your Day

Prepare a 'to do list' each day and action it.

Clean out the Clutter

Keep your work area clean and tidy. You'll work far more effectively and reduce the stress levels.

Organise Your Work Area

Have the right tools and systems to work with - an appropriate chair, desk, computer, filing system.

Group Tasks Together

Divide your day into similar activities. Make all phone calls in the morning and work on important tasks. Do errands later in the afternoon after the lunch-time rush or when you go to pick up the kids.

Learn How to Say NO!

Inform your family and friends of your working hours and that because you're working from home doesn't mean you're 'available'.

Take Time Out for You

It can be easy to lose yourself in your work. Take time to smell the rosesand make human contact.

The Final Word

Not everyone can work successfully from home - some need the daily discipline and people interaction encountered in the office.

However, for many others, working from home has greatly improved their productivity and enhanced their lifestyle.

They have more flexibility, more time and the opportunity to work much more effectively without all the usual distractions encountered in the traditional office environment.

So next time when you become overwhelmed with with the distractions at work and feel like you are going nowhere and getting nothing done, see if working from home for some of the week is a viable option.

After all, what's the point of just showing up at the office if you cannot concentrate and work effectively.

Coping with your workload isn't about being busy, it's about being effective and working smarter, not harder.

About The Author

Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life. www.office-organiser.com.au, lorraine@office-organiser.com.au

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Executive Long - Term Disability

Many companies, and their executives, have come to realize that Group Long Term Disability Plans no longer meet the needs of the executives and other key personnel in the organization. An assessment of your current plan may lead to the conclusion that revisions are necessary in order to ensure benefit levels are adequate and appropriate, and that contractual provisions are in-line with your objectives.

Why do Group Long-Term Disability (LTD) Plans Fail to Meet the Needs of Executives?

  • Reverse discrimination results from income limitations
  • Benefit maximum (cap)
  • Inability to insure retirement plan contributions
  • Inability to insure incentive-based compensation
  • Inherent instability of group plans can result in unexpected changes in cost and coverage provided
  • There are solutions available to assist the organization in retaining and providing incentives for their executives. The prevalence of "combination" plans is growing, particularly as increases in executive and key personnel incomes have exceeded the benefit limits provided through a group only approach. A combination plan takes advantage of both group and individual disability products working in tandem. Some common Executive LTD objectives that can often be obtained through this strategy include:

  • Providing comprehensive and coordinated benefits to executives and key personnel
  • Optimize benefits and costs using the most effective combination of group and individual products
  • Maximize target benefit level of "total" compensation - often to $30,000 per month
  • Guarantee policy provisions and benefit levels over time
  • Provide rate stability
  • Minimize impact of group LTD claims
  • Provide guaranteed cost structure through individual policies
  • Facilitate acquisition of comprehensive individual policies using the highest level of available guarantee-issue coverage
  • Create enhanced return to work benefits during partial disability and/or following full recovery
  • Provide enhanced benefits for catastrophic loss
  • http://www.groupbenefitsinsurance.com

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    Build A Wireless Data Acquisition Network!

    Today with the swift rise of WiFi and Bluetooth technologies, the wireless data acquisition network is becoming more and more a possibility. That is why; you find a number of users are moving towards a wire less system. The data acquisition system block diagram might look all the same as in the case of the wired system. That is so because; all that the wireless data acquisition network replaces is the wired network alone. It works exactly the same way only difference is that instead of transmitting over a wired network, the system would transfer the data over a wireless data acquisition network.

    How does this work? In these systems, normally a transducer is fixed with a wireless capable transmitter. This transmitter will be in line with any of the standard communication protocol. There might be the WiFi or Bluetooth enabled transmitter embedded in the transducer itself. This would help the designers to get the signal from the transducer over a wire less system. In those conditions, using a standard WiFi or a Bluetooth is not possible since only digital signals could be transmitted over such networks. Therefore, these get transmitted as a RF signal. The RF signal is isolated and the value taken before making use of it at the destination point.

    In the cases where the Analog to digital converter does the job of transmission, it is normally transferred in a digital mode. Under this condition, it is found that the standard forms of transmission carry more weight and it is also easy to use such data. The data would then ensure that the WiFi or Bluetooth is received using an appropriate design. In such cases it is also very easy and comfortable to provide a network since these devices also provide a plug out of its Ethernet port. This will bring the device in to the computer network without any issues. In addition to this, the software programming for capturing the input from such an Ethernet port is pretty easy as well.

    You can build your own wireless data acquisition network using the relevant devices for these purposes available over the internet. There are sites that specialize in marketing such devices. Many of them have the capability to design and deliver the wireless data acquisition network depending upon your needs. On many occasions, the entire network is designed over a wireless platform. This is easier to do than the wired ones. Cost wise of course, the wired might be cheaper when you are investing into the equipments. But that is short run one; in the long run, the wireless data acquisition network will become cheaper and more comfortable to use. The reason for such a happening is that the initial investment in the wireless data acquisition network is to take care of the complete setup; since there is no involved hardware maintenance and these devices do not run through the process of maintaining such a job of network cabling, etc., There is also a reduction in the overall gain of the company in employing wireless data acquisition network.

    Francisco Segura owns and operates http://www.dataacquisitioncenter.com

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    Understanding MLM Compensation Plans


    Down lines, up lines, overrides and spill over. Understand? Of course not! But it was exactly these types of terms that I was bombarded with when I was at first trying to learn about the world of multi level marketing. It made it a slow process to say the least, so I thought that I would write an article to help the folks out there that are about to undertake the same journey.

    The way that a multilevel marketing company pays the person who invests in it and sells the products or services that it provides is through a compensation plan, and there are a great many types of them that are employed.


    The first one we will look at is the one that revolves around the idea of matrices.

    "Matrices" is the plural form of the word matrix. In the context of multilevel marketing everyone below you in the matrix you have entered ends up giving you a portion of the income they generate in the company. This turns into a commission paid by the company that you have invested in. Alternatively you are in the matrix of the person who recruited you.

    The people you recruit into your matrix are referred to as your down line. The people who they also recruit are also in your down line. The people in your down line are the ones who are responsible for the amount of income that you will receive and if you can recruit good sales people into the down line of your matrix you will have a good residual income.

    Alternatively people who are above you in the matrix of the MLM that you have chosen are referred to as being in your up line with money going from you and your down line up to them.

    Sideline Compression

    Another term that is often used is sideline compression. Sideline compression is what happens when a member does not have enough sales. They are then moved down line and a person with better sales is moved up line to take his place. Making sure this does not happen to you is important to say the least, and a small amount of training can go a long way when you are starting a business for the first time. The MLM you join will provide this for you when you sign up if it has any interest in staying in business.

    Spill over

    There are many other things that the world of MLM that you should be made aware of and one of those things is called spill over. Spill over is the term used to describe what happens when the first line of your matrix is filled up and you need to put the new recruit into your down line. The new recruit can be placed into the frontline members down lines. This can be a big help to the new members having even newer members placed in their down line from their up line. You may think that you are losing money if they are placed further down in your down line but the faster the levels of your matrix are filled the sooner you will get paid and the person is still in your down line anyway.


    Cycles is a term used in the context of when a level of the down line is filled and the quota is filled, payment is made by the top level of the up line and a cycle is completed.

    Expandable depth commissions

    Expandable depth commissions are a way to describe the types of compensation plans that are able to sustain an either infinite or, as the name would suggest, expandable number of people in the down line. Some are mathematically limited and cannot support high numbers.


    The term overrides is used simply to describe the amount applied to the sales volume from the sale of the product.

    Copyright 2004 Android Technologies, Inc.

    About The Author

    Ted Riley is an entrepreneur and educator interested in teaching others on the benefits and rewards of having your own home business. He writes frequently for the web site "A Grandmother's Business", a web site dedicated to the needs and equirements of the mature woman entrepreneur and job-seeker. To see more articles like this visit: http://www.grandmabiz.com/

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    Higher Standards in Dance Education

    In order to run a day care or nursery school, one needs to be certified. To teach in the public schools, one needs at least an undergraduate degree and preferably a masters degree. So, what do you need to run a dance school or to teach at one: nothing. The result is that anyone can throw up a shingle with Dolly Dinkles Studio of Dance and be in business.

    Is there a need for standards in dance education?

    Dance is a physically demanding activity. Taught incorrectly, it can lead to injury. More seriously, improper training can cause irreparable long-term damage to the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. Most of these problems do not show up immediately, leading the uninformed student, parent, or teacher to believe no harm is being done. However, these injuries appear years later, long after the dancer has become an adult and has given up their passion for dance.

    In addition to the damage it can cause physically, poor standards in dance education leads to low expectations and even lower opinions of dance in the eye of the general public. Exposed regularly to low quality dance, students and their parents grow to see dance as something trivial and frivolous. After sitting through never-ending recitals of fringe and sequins, they are unlikely to voluntarily see a live professional dance concert.

    Even if they do venture to a professional performance, they are often disappointed. After being accustomed to the sequined recitals, a professional dance performance can seem mentally challenging, overly intense, and dull. Every dance school, show, or organization that adheres to low standards diminishes the larger dance community by turning potential audience members, supporters, and emerging dancers away from dance.

    So, why not create national standards for dance schools?

    Well, the American psyche is still very much a cowboy (or cowgirl). We do not want rules and regulations encroaching on freedoms. There are many dance studio owners and teachers whose jobs would be threatened if they were required to meet standards. To their credit, they point out outstanding individual teachers who had amazing performance careers, then became excellent teachers, but never received degrees. The fear is that standards would not only regulate poor teachers, but also punish good teachers.

    Where the United States fears to regulate itself, England and Canada have voluntarily adopted standardized dance education. From my experience working in Canada, I found the dance education in the country to be consistent from studio to studio. On the positive side, they do not have the plethora of inadequate dance studios that we have throughout the United States. On the flip side, they also do not have nearly as many exceptional, innovative dance education organizations as America does. America, and New York City in particular, remain the center of the worlds dance scene.

    We need regulations but were too stubborn to accept themwhat now?

    There is a group of individuals that unknowingly sets the standards for dance schools: parents. Parents drive the level of quality in our market driven society. But it is difficult for a parent, uneducated in the field of dance, to make an informed choice.

    If you pick up your local yellow pages and flip to the dance school section, you will find ads for a number of dance studios. Chances are, the majority of those ads claim to provide quality or professional instruction. Of course they do, who is going to be honest enough to admit below average or highly amateur instruction. As a parent searching for a dance school, you want the best for your child. Nevertheless, how can you decipher one school from another when they all claim to be excellent?

    It takes time and energy to research which dance schools live up to high standards. Unfortunately, most of the public views the dance teacher on par with the little league coach or the cheerleading coach. Most coaches for childrens baseball, soccer, and cheerleading were not professionals or professionally educated. And even fewer have been educated in how to teach. This is fine for sports. What they are not taking into serious consideration is the fact that the demands of dance training on the body, at even the youngest level, can create great growth or great damage. The seemingly harmless decision of finding a dance studio for your child can be causing damage to their joints that go unrealized for years.

    What can we do?

    I believe the education of the public is the dance communitys top priority. We must teach students and parents of students the importance of proper dance education. Teach them about proper fundamentals that do no harm. (The old knees over toes rule.) Teach them the value of a progressive, structured curriculum. (Slow and steady wins the race.) Teach them respect for themselves and for dance. (Age appropriate themes and choreography.) Educating students and parents on what real quality means in dance education is the only way to ensure a future of healthy, happy dancers, audience members, and a new generation of qualified teachers.

    James Robey is Founding Artistic Director of the Bare Bones Dance Project, Artistic Director of Ridgefield Conservatory of Dance and Adjunct Faculty member at The Hartt School at University of Hartford where he teaches Horton Modern technique and Jazz Dance. James is active in the Connecticut, New York, and National dance communities as a guest artist, master teacher, independent choreographer, and lecturer.

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    Buy A New Home Or Remodel - Let's Discuss The Benefits Of Both!

    For most people our first homes are known in the market place as a starter home. The home was most likely chosen primarily for financial considerations. It probably lacked some of the features that we would have wanted if our budget had been unlimited at the time. Now that your income has grown, and possibly the size of your family it is time to consider either moving or investing in your current property to add additional features and living space.

    Although the decision on whether to stay and remodel or relocate has affected all of us, the decision is usually based on emotion rather than fact or situation. Before you decide on whether to remodel or relocate you should consider the following points:

    • Return On Investment: Most of us are concerned that any investment we make, and doing a major remodel to a home is definitely an investment, will eventually provide us with a payback or at worst case we wont loose any money. In order to determine if an investment in your current property is likely to have a financial benefit it is important to look at the other homes on your street and in your area. If your home is the same size as the majority of other homes, it is most likely that if you add an addition to your home it will become the most expensive home in the neighborhood. From an investment standpoint, one does not want to have the most expensive home in the neighborhood. On the other hand, if your home is currently smaller than the majority of homes, it may be a very smart investment to add an addition to expand the livable floor space. This should have the effect of increasing your home value by more than the investment.
    • Architecture: The cost of adding additional floor space is usually determined by the size of the lot and current building codes for that lot. Would adding additional floor space mean adding a second floor or is their room on the lot to add to the main floor level. Dont forget that by adding to the main floor level you will be eliminating some of the homes outdoor space. It is also important to realize that with some homes, depending on how the original foundation was installed, adding a second story may mean adding to the strength of the footings. This alone could mean that the project is not economically feasible. Whether you are considering a second story or an addition on the main level, try to visualize what the finished home will look like. If in your mind you are satisfied that what you want to do will be visually acceptable it is probably time to call in an architect to discuss what can and cant be done with your property.
    • Budget: Although construction costs vary from city to city and state to state you should allow a minimum of $200 per square foot for the addition of basic living space, providing the addition does not include a kitchen or bathroom. Your architect will be able to give you a budgetary number for finished construction cost based on the city and state where you are located. Higher quality finishing materials such as hardwood flooring, and natural stone tiles such as marble or granite can easily double the per square foot cost. Once you have a detailed set of building plans, you will be able to obtain firm prices from the contractors in your area. For budgeting purposes, it is always wise to add an extra 10% to the costs, as there are generally changes and modifications during the construction phase.
    • Sweat Equity: One major advantage to a remodel rather than a relocation is that a remodel allows you to put some sweat equity into your property. Depending on ones capabilities, a lot of the remodel work, especially items that are labor intensive, can be accomplished by a reasonably competent homeowner. These include simplistic items such as wallpapering, painting, installing light fixtures, and window coverings. For the more experience home handyman, installing finished flooring, doors and trim can provide cost savings and increased equity. Landscaping and gardening are two other areas that can become family projects and increase the homes value. However, if you do decide to relocate rather than renovate you may find that you are doing all of the aforementioned items at your new home!
    • Inconvenience: Living through a construction project, especially if involves bathrooms and/or kitchens can be a very trying experience. If you havent been through a major remodel, it can mean the loss of utilities for periods of time, continuous noise, dust, dirt, and a parade of workman marching through your home. The concept of having peaceful enjoyment of your home is lost completely. Relocation is not necessarily a project without heartache. There is the packing and unpacking phase, new schools, changing utilities, changing all addresses on personal documents, credit cards, and other companies that you do business with. Let us not forget the new neighbors and the loss of the old and our childrens friends and classmates.

    Want biased advise on whether you should renovate or relocate, its available from most real estate brokers. Remember that a real estate broker makes a living when people buy and sell homes, not when they renovate. They do not receive any benefit from you deciding to stay where you are and to remodel your current property.

    As with most home improvement or remodel projects, planning is the key to success!

    For additional information on remodeling your home or other home improvement projects, including landscaping and gardening visit Renovation Headquarters.

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