Saturday, March 1, 2008 

Effective Spyware and Adware Utilities

If you are looking for effective spyware and adware protection, you can always look online to check out some of the most effective anti-spyware and adware tools available for you. There are a number of software companies who have dedicated their resources to develop more effective and more sophisticated programs to provide you with the best anti-spyware and adware protection for your PC. Here are some of them:

Spyware Doctor

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A wide range of malicious trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats are put at bay with the Spyware Doctor. This is an adware and spyware removal utility that detects and cleans thousands of potential adware, trojans, keyloggers, spyware and other malware that may be infecting and wrecking havoc on your PC. Its remover tool allows you to remove, ignore or either quarantine identified spyware. This tool is made available for free in the trial version.

Spyware Doctor also has an OnGuard system that effectively immunizes and protects your system against hundreds of online privacy threats even while you work. The Spyware Doctor allows you to perform fast scanning and detection at Windows start-up so that you will be alerted with a list of the potential threats identified and provides spyware blocking features to give you continuous protection.

McAfee AntiSpyware

Get rid of malicious programs before they can steal your identity from your PC. Someone may be tracking you online and may be monitoring your every move. The McAfee AntiSpyware may just be the essential protection much needed by today's security-conscious Internet user like you.

McAfee AntiSpyware can quickly detect and then safely eliminate malicious applications such as key loggers, remote-control programs, spybots and browser hijackers that may be hiding on your system before they can rob you of your precious personal information, snatch passwords or monitor browsing activity when you go online. By eliminating online roadblocks, McAfee AntiSpyware also prevents adware programs to trigger annoying advertisements and sap precious system performance on your PC.


X-Cleaner is a premier privacy software solution that is made by one of the most trusted names in anti-spyware technology. X-Cleaner effectively deletes browser and system usage tracks, shreds pictures and generates secure passwords in your PC. It also features a unique anti-spy and adware technology that will remove them fully from your PC. The X-Cleaner also has effective inoculation features that will help prevent future infections and keep your PC safe.

Key features of this software include the ability to remove traces of movie files, pictures that you have viewed. It can also detect and remove spy software that logs your private activity online and undermine personal online security. The X-Cleaner can also find and remove pornographic content that may contain malicious codes on your computer.

To provide the utmost privacy, the X-Cleaner can also permanently erase files on your PC with a military style file shredder. Stop password theft and know if some users are snooping and recording your keystrokes with the use of the X-Cleaner!

Milos Pesic is an expert programmer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Adware and Spyware Removal web site. For more articles and resources on Top Rated Adware and Spyware Removal Tools, Adware Blockers, Spyware and Malware protection and much more visit his site at:


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People Buy From People

There are lots of ways to work with people. Remember people buy from people.Thats the key when we are dealing with network marketing and traditionally work. First of all learn your product or service. It is vital. Why? Well first of all you build up your own spirit. The more knowledge you have the more safe you will feel.

Then you radiate the power to other people. We like to talk and be around strong, empowering people. We also look up to authorities like policemen, lawyers, soldiers and people who have achieved their goals. Look at successful sportsmen. So who would you like to become? Find a mentor. A person you can bounce ideas with. Did you have a hero when you were young? What did she/he have that caught your attention? The looks? The way they spoke? What do you find is an interesting topic to talk about? Get good in that. Ask people lots of questions. Act natural as you are interested in their lives, hobbies and work.

People love to talk about them selves. Let them have the attention. Treat them the way you would like to be treated yourself. Learn about the business especially the networking.You can find books at or elsewhere to study the enormous business. Its worth it. Find different ways to approach leads. The first area is your warm market. People you know very well or at least close to it. The second is advertising. Make ads so interesting like you would buy something of you as well. The third way is signed up people with their contacts. Use three way calls with your friend. Thats powerful.

A forth way that Ive recently started with is using the internet. I write article like this one and add my webpage. This is the future. To use the technology thats going on now.You will find new, young people who are hungry for some business. Another great group is the professional net workers. They have been working traditionally for many years and are now open for the new market, internet. Well they have to. What else can you do? As far as I know there is nothing wrong to do. Try all the ways. The more people you talk too the better result you will get. It is just the time that matters. You have to give it at least 6-7 months before youll see results. I mean good results. After seven months you can do a evaluation of if it is worth to continue. If you do not love the business now you will after a while. And it will help you, big time. Most of all have fun!

MarieLouise is working as a personal trainer and a life coach. She is also very skilled as a networker with several years experience from different MLM companies.

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Walter Cronkite's UFO Encounter

He is the newsperson and anchor who reported some of the most exciting and traumatic events of the twentieth century to a huge television audience. From the assassination of President Kennedy, to the first men to walk on the Moon, Walter Cronkite brought us the news of those events over network television. He may also have been the first reporter to witness the biggest news story of modern history. Its a story that remains untold.

As CBS Evening News Anchor for many years, Walter Cronkite was the friendly face on television that brought the good, bad or even tragic news of the day into the homes of millions of Americans. Because he did this before cable channels became such a big part of Americas television viewing habits, he was more than just a reporter, newsperson or talking head. Walter Cronkite became a trusted source of information and media icon.

Despite the fact that he electronically entered millions of American homes almost every night of the week for so many years, Cronkite was and is a very private person. Little is known about his personal life, but the fact that he managed to work in the highly competitive Network News business for so many years without being implicated in any scandals or mischief speaks volumes about his character.

During the early 1970s, nine of the top ten most watched television entertainment shows were on CBS. No one who knows television history would argue with the fact that CBS was a network television powerhouse during that time. That included their news division. In 1973, CBS News was seriously considering an investigative project about UFOs. Things were changing. People were growing weary of a steady diet of bad news thrown at them daily. The Vietnam War, antiwar protests, the Watergate scandal, terrorism and Middle Eastern conflicts were wearing viewers down. Any news organization that wanted to stay on top would have to offer people some alternatives.

Local news broadcasts, daytime television talk shows and late night radio programs had already experienced some success covering paranormal issues, events and stories. By the early 1970s, New Age topics had reached a high point in popularity that had been building for some time. Among subjects like Ghosts, ESP, Psychic Powers, Reincarnation, Atlantis and Pyramid Power, UFOs were the clear winner when it came to overall public fascination. Stores were filled with books and magazines about UFOs, aliens and the government cover up of those things. As a result, CBS decided that the subject deserved serious consideration and made a decision to go ahead with their UFO project.

Like the subject itself, the CBS News UFO project was going to be something very different. They planned to look at the phenomenon from the standpoint of witnesses, authors and investigators with little or no editorial comment. It would be an investigative piece, but the investigating would be left up to those involved with the subject. It was an intriguing concept that would likely capture the imagination of viewers and leave the network safe from having to take a stand on the subject either way.

After months of viewing previous television news stories about UFOS and aliens, a decision had yet to be made about how the project should be presented. Should it be a one-time special program, series of short investigative pieces or regular feature to be shown in segments during network news broadcasts on slow news days? No one was sure. The only thing those involved with the CBS News UFO Project had agreed on was that Walter Cronkite should be approached to do the sit down interviews for the project. Once those were in the can, that material would be viewed and a final decision on the project format would be made.

I had already been investigating UFOs for several years by 1973, despite the fact that I was just seventeen years of age at the time. I was living in Florida with my parents and attending high school at the time. Because of unexpected public interest in a UFO Club I had organized as an after school project for extra credit, I was presenting a few short seminars each month about my investigations for local libraries and civic groups. Because of my youth, the success of the UFO Club and overall public fascination with the topic at that time, our local newspaper decided to interview me for an article about area UFO sightings and encounters. That article resulted in requests for me to appear on a few local radio and television shows and news broadcasts.

One of the local radio personalities who had me on his show had read a few of the short pieces I wrote for my school newspaper. He enjoyed them and suggested I submit the articles to publications that print stories about UFOs and related subjects. Having written professionally for a few trade publications himself, he gave me a thumbnail sketch of how to submit my material for possible publication. As a result, I went back and cleaned up the old articles, wrote a few new ones and started sending them out for consideration. I was surprised when a few ended up being published. This lead to my ultimate contact with Walter Cronkite.

As it happened, Cronkite read a small piece that I wrote for a now-defunct UFO publication. The topic of the article was the Air Force cover-up of UFO information and also included a few cases I had investigated. Cronkite was making a list of people he wanted to interview for the CBS project about UFOs and my article interested him. I never dreamed it would lead to a meeting with the legendary news anchor himself. I later wondered why? This was one of my first and most primitive attempts at writing and I was sure that he had read a thousand other articles by a thousand more qualified people.

In early September of 1973, I received a letter from CBS News indicating their interest in my work and desire to have me contact them about a television project they were planning. After a few phone calls, they offered to fly me to New York City to meet with Cronkite. As a transplanted New Yorker who had moved to Florida with my family a couple of years before, I was always glad to get back to the big city. I really liked Florida, but missed the pace and excitement of the Big Apple. I traveled there and stayed with relatives or friends whenever I could, so I was used to getting around the city by myself.

On a cool New York day in late September of 1973, I found myself back in the Big Apple and sitting down to an informal lunch with Walter Cronkite. For me, it just didnt get better than that and it was hard to avoid being a bit overwhelmed by the experience. It wasnt about being star-struck. Like most regular visitors to New York City, I was used to occasionally seeing celebrities out and about around town. I remember walking through the theater district in Manhattan early one morning during the mid-1970s. Richard Burton got out of a car five feet in front me. I stared; he smiled, waved and quickly disappeared into the back door of a theater where he was appearing in Equus. Likewise, I recall meeting a number of important people through my fathers work as an Air Force Officer. I guess I was just in awe of this network news giant and more than a bit nervous.

I was surprised at how quickly the legendary reporter put me at ease. He had a gentle and laid-back manner that made me feel like we had known each other for years. I guess that was his gift and the thing that made Walter Cronkite such a successful news anchor. I appreciated the way he spoke with me as an equal, rather then treating me like some stupid kid. He seemed honestly interested in my UFO investigations and articles and appeared to genuinely respect my interest in the subject.

As we lunched, Cronkite told me what he knew about the CBS UFO Project and indicated that he wanted to interview me. He was honest in explaining that there was no way to tell how much or little of the interview would ultimately be used, if any. Regardless, he wanted a younger person's perspective on the phenomenon for the project and liked the way I answered his questions up to that point. Most of the UFO researchers in those days were older and had taken up the topic as a Retirement project. Nevertheless, I also sensed there was more to this luncheon than he was letting on. He kept referring back to my articles on the government cover-up and asking about what I thought my father might have known about UFOs as an Air Force Officer. Then he dropped the bomb.

After about 30 minutes of talking, Cronkite said to me, "Let me tell you my UFO story." For the next five minutes, I sat in stunned silence as he told me what had happened.

During the 1950s (I felt that he was being purposely vague about the exact date or year), Cronkite was part of a small pool of news reporters brought out to a tiny South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile. After a short inspection of the new missile system by the reporters, they were lead to an area that was a safe distance from the launch site. The missile was mounted on a specially built launcher that was attached to a cement base. It was obvious that the area had been rapidly constructed just for this occasion. The details about the missile were going to be given to the reporters verbally now and in the form of handout sheets and press releases after the test.

Cronkite mentioned that he and the other reporters had been warned that photography of the missile test and any audio transmissions or recordings by the press was forbidden. They would have to give a written account of the event. Just as the test was ready to proceed, everyone was writing as fast as they could while an officer blurted out some prepared details about the new weapons system. As Air Force Security personnel walked around the perimeter of the test area with guard dogs and the news reporters watched, the missile was fired-up and about to be released. Just then, a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene.

Without sharing any personal observations or feelings about the appearance of the object, Cronkite matter-of-factly stated that he guessed the object might have been about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull gray color and had no distinguishing markings or visible means of propulsion. Because of the background noise generated by the missile engine and sudden flurry of activity, talking and shouting around him, he couldn't tell whether the disc made any noise. He did not notice any coming directly from the object.

As Air Force Security personnel ran toward the UFO with their guard dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off the ground. It suddenly sent out a blue beam of light that struck the missile, a guard and a dog all at the same time. The missile had been frozen in mid-air about 70 feet from the launcher as it had taken off. One guard had been frozen in mid-step and a dog frozen in mid-air as it had jumped at the disc. Cronkite reminded me that this all happened within the space of about five minutes or less.

Suddenly, the missile exploded! After that, the disc vanished. The guard and dog looked all right, but were quickly taken away by medical personnel always present at tests in case anyone was injured. At the same time, Air Force Security personnel rapidly ushered the reporters into a nearby concrete observation bunker and control center. After about thirty minutes of sitting in that box, they were brought out into the air again and addressed by an Air Force Colonel.

The officer told them, "It was all part of the test." Obviously making it up as he went along, the Colonel said that the event was "staged" to test media reaction to UFOs. He reinforced the usual line to the reporters that Flying Saucers were probably not extra-terrestrial, but what people were actually seeing were secret planes being tested by the Air Force. This test was designed to show the media how "shocking" it could be to suddenly view a new technology. Well, Cronkite was certain that what he viewed was a new technology, but he was also sure it was not an Earthly one! He didn't believe the Air Force explanation then, and he still didn't believe it at the time when he told me the story.

I was grateful for his brief comments about the incident, because he wasnt the type of person that enjoyed sharing personal viewpoints. He continued

After the event, reporters were told that since it was a test of media reaction to new technology, they could not report on it! However, they would be compensated later with exclusive stories on new Air Force projects (a promise that was probably never kept). The implication attached to that promise was that if anyone decided to report on the event it would be denied, could never be verified and would result in a blackout of information to any individual or news organization that took the risk of releasing the story in any way, shape or form.

I was sure that Cronkite felt safe in telling me about his experience. After all, I was just a kid interested in UFOs and who would listen to me? I was also sure it was his own personal revenge on the military for preventing him from releasing the story of the century. He knew I was likely to remain interested in the subject and would tell his story at some point in my life. And here I am doing that some thirty odd years later.

Being a very private person, Cronkite never did share with me his own beliefs about UFOs beyond the story he told me. Since he didnt believe the object that appeared during the missile test was something the government cooked up and felt it wasnt something that looked like it had been made on earth, I guess I can assume he believed it was made elsewhere. But then, if Im going to think like Walter Cronkite, I am not going to assume anything about what he said. Ill just let the story stand and allow you to take from it what you will just as he did when he told it to me.

I probably could have asked him a million questions after he told me the story, but I got the impression that our meeting was over and wasnt about to challenge Americas most famous News Anchor. Instead, I was deep appreciative of his willingness to tell me a story that I was certain few, if any, other people outside of his family had probably heard.

Looking back on the whole experience, I now realize what a wonderful gift Walter Cronkite gave to me by sharing his UFO encounter story. Any story or anecdote told to me in person by Cronkite would have been a gift, but this was more than just a bit special. Besides my previous observations, I think he did it as a way of thanking me for sharing so much of the information I had about UFOs with him. I didnt realize it at the time, but many of the stories and pieces of information I had collected from speaking with my fathers military pilot friends were anything but common knowledge in the UFO investigative field. That would explain his many questions and interest in what I knew about the government cover-up.

The CBS UFO Project turned into a less than memorable Special that was filmed shortly after my meeting with Cronkite. I was included in it for just a few minutes. During the filming, I became aware that Cronkite had not shared his story with any of the other UFO investigators or witnesses. I gleaned that from the fact that none of them discussed it among themselves, with me or even mentioned it in passing. After the special aired, I called one of Cronkite's staff members and asked him if he had ever heard the UFO story. He told me he had, but I am not sure about that. I think he was probably an over-worked intern just trying to get me off the phone and didnt have a clue what I was talking about. He said Cronkite had only shared the story with a few key people, but I think he was referring to something I had told him rather than visa versa. Either way, Cronkites Encounter story was certainly not covered or even mentioned in the Special. Nor anywhere else that I am aware of after all these years.

There was one last opportunity to find out if Cronkite had shared the story with any of his staff members. Just before leaving New York, there was a final meeting with each one of us who had been filmed for the CBS project. It was just a brief question and answer session to collect any missing background information about us or ask a few final questions off camera for screen quotes. I carefully hinted around at what Cronkite had told me, but none of the staffers asking the questions seemed to have a clue what I was talking about.

I was glad I had heard the story from Cronkite as a teen. I didnt get a chance to speak with him at any length before, during or after the filming apart from the interview itself, but I did get to hear some of the other interviews he conducted from a short distance. I was amazed at how full of themselves some of the other UFO investigators sounded. Cronkite simply let them drone on. Most of those interviews were several edited later. I wondered if that would be me years from that time? I hope its not. I have tried very hard to apply the other thing I learned from my conversation with Walter Cronkite that day. Knowing the value of when to talk and when to listen.

Author: Bill Knell Author's Email: Author's Website: Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print. Please add a link to or print my website address:

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Mesothelioma: Causes, Symptoms, Lawsuits and Prevention

What is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that grows on the mesothelium, the membrane or hard sac that surrounds the various organs of the body. It guards the organs by producing a favourite type of fluid to promote mobility of the organs. In the case of the lungs, mesothelium fluid allows ease in the movement when ingesting air. Mesothelioma tumor can commence on any area of the mesothelium which can be benign or cancerous. Known to be the cause of Mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a heat resistant fibrous mineral wore in the industry as the main material in making roofing, gasket compounds, floor tiles and patching compounds. Its versatility makes it a component of various products in the market but it is incredibly dangerous when inhaled no matter how tiny the quantity can be. Inhaled asbestos fiber can pass through the air passages which can come in contact with linings of the lungs which can injure the cells and result to pleural Mesothelioma. Swallowed asbestos on the even more hand can effect the fibers lined higher on the abdominal cavity resulting to peritoneal Mesothelioma. There are as well evidences that link Mesothelioma with Thorotrast, a component used for X-rays however its usage has been stopped for a long time.

The symptoms and signs of Mesothelioma can be incredibly common that is why the patient may just take it for granted. The symptoms can occur from both to three months before Mesothelioma is discovered. Pleural Mesothelioma is the ordinarily occurring type which takes part in almost both thirds of the total detected Mesothelioma cases. The linings of the lungs and chest called pleura are the affected regions of Pleural Mesothelioma. Common signs are weight loss however not related with shift in diet, extreme tiredness, difficulty in ingesting, raspy or hoarse voice, constant shortness of breath, cough that have lasted for a long time, pain the chest or back, extreme sweating and recurring fever. For Peritoneal Mesothelioma, usually affected organs of the body are bowel, liver and spleen with signs that are similar to bowel related diseases. Early symptoms include imposition on the abdomen area, recurring constipation or diarrhea, increase in the waist area, infection, vomiting, fever and even anemia. Anyone who encounters these symptoms that have been exposed to asbestos can better consult their doctor for diagnosis to stop further Mesothelioma complicated problems.

Prevention of Mesothelioma can be best done by avoiding contact with asbestos which is proven to be its main causing professional. Asbestos is observed almost everywhere can it be at home, at work or in any public buildings. Workers included with it must take extra care and precautions to avoid contact through inhalation or drinking. Low rates of Mesothelioma cases are discovered for the past 20 years however nowadays, the number of affected individuals has been growing to a large degree. In United States almost 2,000 new cases are observed each year. It happens mostly with men since it's ordinarily the ones included in business and cases that include the apply of asbestos. Factory workers, miners, railroad laborers, gas mask makers, insulation workers and ship builders are the typically asbestos related victims.

The patients or the individuals affected with Mesothelioma can file lawsuits against asbestos makers, manufacturers and employers since they have the duty to protect their workers from the negative effects of asbestos including Mesothelioma. Many law firms and lawyers are today available to help the sufferers fight for their right and to attain the justice that they deserve.

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Smoking has been linked to many health conditions, such as Lung Disease and Emphysema, both of which are often lethal, and thus many people have been trying for years to quit smoking. However, quitting is easier said than done as cigarettes have an ingredient known as nicotine, which makes smoking addictive and thus very difficult to quit.

Now, some people are able to stop smoking under their own power; however, thousands of others have suffered with their smoking problems for years and it is killing them slowly. It can be easier to quit smoking if you get some prescribed medication from your doctor which is used to help people overcome their addiction to nicotine, or use one of the many consumer products such as the Nicotine patch or Nicotine gum to help stop smoking. The bottom line is, if you are serious about quiting, there are lots of options out there.

Smoking is a very difficult habit to overcome, and for those who cannot quit by means of their own will power, it is recommended that they seek medical help to help stop smoking and overcome their addiction. Smoking is very dangerous and thus it is recommended that smokers begin the quitting processes quickly so that serious diseases do not have a chance to develop.

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Some Thoughts on Howard Stern

Well, Howards long awaited day has arrived. After a year of endless plugging, he is leaving the free airwaves for the insulated world of pay-to-listen radio, where he wont be bothered by the FCC or hounded by the Religious Right, where he will be able to give his audience what they really wanta comic genius freed from the shackles of censorship. It is the birth of a new, more outrageous Howard Stern. Based on the recent blitz of TV hype, ad campaigns over the internet, and the brilliant promotional gimmick to have him walk through the paved Manhattan streets from the bonds of free airwaves to the freedom of private airwaves, youd think he was the second coming of Christ for Gods sake (just a figure of speech).

Ah it all sounds so good. It all sounds so noble. And as usual Howard has his minions opining his message.

The fact is Howard is the ultimate marketer of all things good for Howard. And this is good for Howard, plenty good in terms of dollars, something Howard holds dearly as a measurement of a man's worth. Not surprising. After all, on a smaller scale, this is the same guy who shamelessly hawked some of the worse pay-per-view videos ever produced. He is also a guy who would have his listeners believe he sells his cars to Car Cash and buys his mattresses over the phone. In that regard, his career has been well controlled and executed to perfection. It also the part of Howard I have always had issues with.

He likes to think of himself as the Lenny Bruce of radio. But let me tell you, from what I know of Lenny Bruce (just saw the movie last night), he is no Lenny Bruce. You see I never bought the shtick that Howard is a beacon of truth in the turbulent seas of talk radio. What he is, is a self centered, self important, self promoting huckster, who happens to be a really intelligent funny guy with an uncanny knack for surrounding himself with fringe human props. I love his humorespecially that self-effacing, crony bashing, staff firing stuff.

I'm proud to say I go way back as a Stern lackey. I was listening when his producer Gary committed a fatal mispronunciation that forever branded him as Baba Booey. It was some of the funniest live radio I have ever heard.

I have listened to Howard play his whack pack members like a finely tuned Stradivarius, making me laugh out loud in guilty glee during long morning commutes. And who can forget the infamous Stuttering John interviews and Jackie the Joke Man revelations.

I was tuned in when he painfully announced his divorce, a sad moment revealing the truth about his marriage, unlike the relationship he had promoted unabashedly for years and used like the handle of a axe as he chopped up one celebrity after another about infidelities or leaving first spouses for young "hay nanny nanny"just ask Joe Piscapo or Chuck Norris. Of course the irony is that Howard eventually did the exact same thing. Oh yeah, but that was different. Yeah, right.

Oh come on now, it makes him human, no less flawed than Tom Cruise. What do you know about that? That having been said, I have always loved his radio show. It has made me smile for endless hours. In fact, his radio show even bridged the generation gap, giving my son and me something to secretly share as I drove him to High School, pretty much making me the father from hell.

It really is kind of sad. The free airwaves need the Howard Sterns to shake up the folks out there. But no more. Personally, he can say what he wants (and he will ad nausea), I think he sold out on a big part of his audience. Im not buying his artsy-fartsy, freedom of speech lines. Dont get me wrong, he has every right to do whats best for him; just be honest about it Mr. Beacon of truth.

Will he succeed? I dont really know. He might. Hes investing a lot in this and stands to make a bundle. He is no business dummy. But its not like he is breaking new ground either. Opie and Anthony, Howards devil offspring, have been on satellite radio for a year. Havent heard much about them since. I used to love them too. Sorry they had to go. But Im not paying for radio waves. I mean Im already paying for TV, Internet services and phones. Radio has always been the last free frontier; it almost feels un-American to pay for it. Besides, the guys all are playing in a pristine park now. I think much of what I liked about Howard, and Opie & Anthony was how they didnt play nice in the sand box of censored radio.

They were a voice of challenge and I applauded that. It is what made them important and their humor so much more entertaining. No more chewing out racists, bigots, homophobes. No more rants on censorship or meddling station directors. No more analysis of nasty letters or emails or phone messages. No more pushing the envelop. All of that is gone now. And that is a shame because it was a giant part of their humor. That is what the audience got.

Oh well.

Good bye Howard. Ill miss you. Keep in touch.

And Baba Booey to you all!

This article was written by humorist Robert Crane. If you like what you have read, please drop by his popular website where you'll find plenty more.

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Unless you have lived in a cave the past decade, you have certainly heard about satellite TV. There are currently 2 main satellite system TV choices. They are Dish Network and DIRECTV. The following will guide you through some of the basics of satellite TV.

Picture Quality:

Satellite TV offers 100% digital picture quality for a clear, crisp picture.

Audio Quality:

Satellite TV allows you access to hundreds of channels of digital sound and digital music channels. DIRECTV offers over 65 digital XM satellite radio channels and Dish Network offers over 60 channels of Sirius satellite radio channels.


Basic packages through DIRECTV offer over 40 channels including the local channels while Dish Network's basic package offers 100 channels. Both satellite providers offer over 250 channels in their premier packages.

Both providers offer many dedicated sports and movie channels. DIRECTV is the exclusive provider of the "NFL Sunday Ticket" which offers die hard football fans access to their favorite NFL team's games.


What better way to put that new HDTV to work then to test out the many HD channels offered by the satellite tv providers. Dish Network currently has the highest amount of HD channels with over 30, however DIRECTV has recently announced that it will soon have the capacity for 150 HD channels.

Local channels:

For years, the biggest drawback to satellite tv was their lack of local network channels in many areas. Many viewers did not want to lose access to their local tv stations so they paid a few more bucks to the local cable tv company. Now both Dish Network and DIRECTV are now able to offer local channels for most markets.


Generally costs of satellite tv is very competitive, many times it costs lower then a comparable amount of channels with the local digital cable provider. Both Dish Network and DIRECTV currently offer packages starting at under $30 per month, while their premier packages go up to about $90 per month.


In order to broadcast channels, there needs to be a line of sight between the broadcaster and receiver. While local broadcast channels lose line of sight due to mountains and the natural curve of the earth, satellite tv has the benefit of broadcasting from the sky where all you need is a line of sight to the southern sky. In order to receive these signals you need to use a powerful antenna, which is what the satellite dish is. In addition to the satellite dish, you will also need a receiver, which is included in the installation.

In the past, rural tv viewers were unable to view more then a fuzzy channel or two over the air broadcasts if the local cable company was not able to run cable to their home. Now anyone with line of sight to the southern sky can have access to the hundreds of crystal clear audio and video that satellite tv offers at a very competitive price.

Satellite tv is a great option to consider when looking at setting up your ultimate home theater system.

For more information about Satellite TV, Digital Cable and Broadcast TV visit Jared's site at

The Family Home Theater Guide is an informative guide to home theater, with a particular emphasis on family entertainment. Jared has a wife and three children that love to experience the magic of the big screen in the comfort of their own home.

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The Silent Assassin Asbestos Mesothelioma

Many people are living with the seeds of the deadly killer Mesothelioma lurking inside there bodies.

It can take 10 to 15 years after exposure to asbestos and other cancer causing agents for the Mesothelioma to become active. Litigation regarding mesothiolma should surge in the years to come. Mesothelioma is a very serious disease.

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The first step is to determine if you or anyone in your family are potential victims of the deadly curse.

Up to 9 out of 10 cases of mesothelioma are caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a natural mineral, mined from rock found in many countries. It is made up of tiny fibres that are as strong as steel but can be woven like cotton and are highly resistant to heat and chemicals. Absestos was used in construction, ship-building and the manufacture of household appliances.

Talk to your family members, discuss you history of exposure to any of the above examples.

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Find a quality mesothelioma lawyer. This is where Mesothelioma laws come into play. Every state has very stringent laws regarding asbestos material.

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