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Wednesday, November 21, 2007 

Downline Communication in Network Marketing

Maintaining communication with your downline is extremely important in Network Marketing or MLM, it can literally be the determining factor that differentiates a failing business, from a successful one. The number one mistake that novice network marketers make is not maintaining close communication with their downlines.

Even if you do something simple, like a personal email just saying hello every day can be what keeps your downline active. Network Marketing is above all a people business, and in order to be successful as a networker, you need to be networking. Daily emails, maybe a postcard, or a phone call every other week or so can go a very long ways with an individual. It also builds trust and relationship with the people in your downline. The more out of touch someone is with you, the more likely they are to move on to greener pastors.

Since Network Marketing is an industry in which we are constantly learning new things, and constantly discovering new ideas and marketing techniques to promote our business, the topics upon which you can discuss with your downline are nearly limitless. You can talk to them about what marketing tactics you have been using successfully, you can ask for their input, or share tools and resources. Building a business needs to be a team effort.

While communicating with your downline, you dont want to take the position of go to guy, while you want your downline to respect and listen to you, you also want these people to become leaders themselves. Communication with your downline should also promote leadership amongst those beneath you, insuring that your efforts in building business will be duplicated.

Inactive downlines happen for many reasons, but the most common reason is total lack of communication from upline members. A newcomer to the Network Marketing industry is likely to be overwhelmed with the amount of information they need to process in order to be able to effectively promote and be successful in this industry. It is the duty of the upline to make sure these people find the right tools, get the right training, and are able to perform in this industry.

Whatever marketing system you are using should be duplicated at nearly 100% with your downline. Whatever YOU are doing to build your business, your downline members should also be doing. People cannot be duplicated, but marketing systems can. When building business you have to understand this, and be able to communicate this truth to your downline. Duplicating marketing systems is another HUGE reason why you want to stay in contact with your downline, they need to be dong everything you are doing. Especially if you are highly successful and signing up members like crazy into your downline.

Shy individuals need to break their habit when coming into Network Marketing. You have to be able to talk to anyone and everyone about your business and opportunity, and constantly be promoting and looking to pull new members into your downline. Only through mass promotion do people find success in Network Marketing, and until your downline is able to duplicate this, you have to be able to hold their hand until they are ready. This requires communication.

Auto responders, automated follow up, and all these systems are great for assisting you in communicating with your downline. But nothing beats individual contact, if you can implement that into your business you will have amazing success. Duplicatible opportunity, Duplicatible Marketing System, and personal contact are the three ingredients a successful business needs in order to grow. If you follow these simple steps, your business will be a success.

Steven Lanier is an online marketer, and professional list builder. Steven has grown large downlines in several MLM's and is a top affiliate in many companies and opportunities. Visit his website here http://www.maxprofit.ws and get more information about him and his marketing techniques by visiting his blog http://www.maxprofitsblog.blogspot.com

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