How To Use Magnetic Therapy To Treat The Pain Associated With Cervical Spondylosis?
What is Spondylosis?
Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis) is a degenerative disorder that may cause loss of normal spinal structure and function. Although aging is the primary cause, the location and rate of degeneration is individual. The degenerative process of spondylosis may impact the cervical, thoracic, and/or lumbar regions of the spine affecting the inter-vertebral discs and facet joints.
Lumbar spondylosis refers to any narrowing of the spinal canal. Cervical Spondylosis refers to a degenerative process of the cervical spine producing narrowing of the spinal canal producing compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots.
Causes and symptoms:
As people age, shrinkage of the vertebral disks prompts the vertebrae to form osteophytes to stabilize the back bone. However, the position and alignment of the disks and vertebrae may shift despite the osteophytes. Symptoms may arise from problems with one or more disks or vertebrae. Osteophyte formation and other changes do not necessarily lead to symptoms, but after age 50, half of the population experiences occasional neck pain and stiffness. As disks degenerate, the cervical spine becomes less stable, and the neck is more vulnerable to injuries, including muscle and ligament strains. Contact between the edges of the vertebrae can also cause pain. In some people, this pain may be referred (that is, perceived as occurring in the head, shoulders, or chest, rather than the neck). Other symptoms may include vertigo (a type of dizziness) or ringing in the ears. The neck pain and stiffness can be intermittent, as can symptoms of trapped nerves (radiculopathy). Radiculopathy refers to compression on the base of nerves that lead away from the spinal cord. Normally, these nerves fit comfortably through spaces between the vertebrae. These spaces are called intervertebral foramina. As the osteophytes form, they can press on this area and gradually make the fit between the vertebrae too snug.
The poor fit increases the chances that a minor incident, such as overdoing normal activities, may place excess pressure on the nerve root, sometimes referred to as a pinched nerve. Pressure may also accumulate as a direct consequence of osteophyte formation. The pressure on the nerve root causes severe shooting pain in the neck, arms, shoulder, and/or upper back, depending on which nerve roots of the cervical spine are affected. The pain is often aggravated by movement, but in most cases, symptoms resolve within four to six weeks.
Cervical spondylosis can cause pressure on the spinal cord. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal-- the area through the center of the vertebral column occupied by the spinal cord. Stenosis occurs because of misaligned vertebrae and out-of-place or degenerating disks. The problems created by spondylosis can be exacerbated if a person has a naturally narrow spinal canal. Pressure against the spinal cord can also be created by osteophytes forming on the inner surface of vertebrae and pushing against the spinal cord. Stenosis or osteophytes can compress the spinal cord and its blood vessels, impeding or choking off needed nutrients to the spinal cord cells; in effect, the cells starve to death.
With the death of these cells, the functions that they once performed are impaired. These functions may include conveying sensory information to the brain or transmitting the brain's commands to voluntary muscles. Pain is usually absent, but a person may experience leg numbness and an inability to make the legs move properly. Other symptoms can include clumsiness and weakness in the hands, stiffness and weakness in the legs, and spontaneous twitches in the legs. A person's ability to walk is affected, and a wide-legged, shuffling gait is sometimes adopted to compensate for the lack of sensation in the legs and the accompanying, realistic fear of falling. In very few cases, bladder control becomes a problem.
Magnetic therapy treatment of Spondylosis:
It is relatively easy to treat Spondylosis with magnetic therapy. As stated above the main causes of pain in spondylosis is muscle and ligament strains plus pressure in the nerves in the neck and spinal cord. Placing magnets around the area damaged by spondylosis will speed up the healing process in muscle and ligament damage and reduce the pressure on the nerves. Because much of the pain that is experienced from spondylosis is referred, this means the cause is in one area e.g. the neck ad the pain appears elsewhere e.g the arm and hand, you do not have to treat all of the painful areas individually. For example if you have spondylosis in the neck the swelling and pressure upon the nerves in the neck can cause pain, pins and needles and numbness to radiate down the arm and into the hand and fingers. There is no injury in the arm or hand but the pain is caused by the neck is felt there. By applying magnets to the cause of the problem, which is spondylosis in the neck, as soon as the symptoms in the neck have been relieved then the pain and numbness in the arm will reduce as well.
There are many magnetic therapy devices that can treat the neck, shoulders and back area. Although spondylosis is mainly thought of as a neck and shoulder ailment it is also possible to have lumber (lower spine) spondylosis. The treatment for lumber spondylosis remains the same to treat the area of injury with the magnets and any referred pain will also be reduced.
Common magnetic therapy treatments for cervical (neck)spondylosis are:
1. A magnetic therapy necklace or neck wrap. Most magnetic necklaces are higher strength than functional wraps. To efficiently treat widespread spondylosis that affects the neck, shoulders, head and arms, super strength magnets (2,500-3,000 gauss/250-300 millitesla) need to be applied. If a necklace or wrap is worn with a least 8 of these magnets the magnetic field will be able to reduce the symptoms in the neck plus the shoulders, head and arm areas with out any other magnets.
2. Magnetic therapy pillow pad. If a person is unable or does not want to wear magnets around the neck area, a magnetic pillow pad can be used as an alternative. The pads are placed into the pillow case and only used at night time. It is advocated that magnets are worn 24 hours a day 7 days a week until the symptoms are gone, but if they ca not be tolerated during the day then the best alternative is to use them at night time, as this is the time when the body enters its healing phase, so the penetration and uptake of the magnetic field is at its strongest during sleep.
Common magnetic therapy treatments for lumbar spondylosis are:
1. A functional magnetic therapy back strap or support. The strap or support needs to be placed directly over the area of damage. Magnetic straps tend to be narrow around 1.5 inches wide so they are very easy to wear. They can be placed low around the back over the hips to ensure they contact with low lumbar spondylosis, but they can also be worn high around the thoracic (chest) area in high lumbar or thoracic spondylosis. Most narrow straps have adjustable fastenings to give the wearer flexibility of placement. These types of straps are the most comfortable and easy to wear. How ever if the damaged area is around waist height a wider more supportive belt may be required, provide support whilst bending. Supports are most beneficial to people with an active lifestyle who make vigorous movements through the waist area, such as golfers and builders. Whether a narrow strap or a wide support is chosen the same rule applies it must be worn night and day until the pain has gone, so it is advisable to try both types of strap before purchasing.
Debbie Shimadry is qualified magnetic therapist and pain nurse specialist. She appears on several BBC radio stations as an expert guest on magnetic therapy and is also the managing director of leading magnetic therapy company To find out more on how magnetic therapy can help you, visit
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