How to Use a Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator
To be properly trained in how to use the Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator, you should contact the supplier or take a class on using this equipment. However, there are few general guidelines to follow when using the device.
For starters, if you're in a situation where someone is breathing irregularly and you can't revive them, first dial 9-1-1. Then, get out your defibrillator and pull the cartridge handle. This is hard to miss because it says "pull" on it. Pulling this device will start the tutorial that comes with the machine. This voice tutorial will stay with you and guide you through the process step-by-step.
You'll have to place the pads on the person's bare chest per the tutorial's instructions. As soon as you get the pads on the patient's chest, the defibrillator starts reading the person's heart beat. The machine then figures out how much energy their heart needs.
You don't have to figure out if the person needs a shock. The machine will do that for you. All you have to do is push the "shock" button on the Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator. If the defibrillator doesn't want to give the patient a shock, don't panic. Sometimes the defibrillator will determine that the patient doesn't actually need a shock. If he or she does need a shock, the defibrillator tutorial will direct you to push a flashing orange button and the shock will be administered.
Don't Have One Yet?
Well, we've talked about how to use the Phillips Heartstart Home Defibrillator, but what if you don't have one yet? Let me give you a basic overview of the device.
The Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator is a smaller version of the biphasic defibrillators that are used in hospitals and emergency rooms. It's used to jump start the heart when the heart is acting irregularly. It's typically used to temper a person's heart rate when their heart rate is too high and their rhythm is erratic.
The defibrillator delivers an electric charge to the heart. This charge, or jolt, gets the heart back on track. Philips defibrillators typically have a more than 90 percent success rate.
The Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator is frequently recognized as one of the best home defibrillators in its class and they generally cost between $1,000 and $2,000. This price includes adult SMART pads cartridges, a battery, a training video, a carrying case and a five-year warranty. If you want accessories, such as the infant/child pads, you'll need to be purchase them separately.
Before you purchase your defibrillator, you should call your insurance company and see if it covers defibrillators. Most insurance companies will pay for at least a portion of the defibrillator costs if you or someone in your family has a condition that requires a defibrillator.
Using a Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator doesn't have to be difficult. Visit to learn why home defibrillator are a great way to keep your family safe.
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The instruction for the usage of the Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator is really nice. If possible also specify the Used philips biphasic heartstart XL Defibrillator machine and its usage.
Posted by
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October 23, 2017 at 11:20 PM