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Wednesday, February 20, 2008 

Resolving the "In the Dark" Issue - Hurricane Shutters Present

Hurricane season can be stressful enough when you are faced with putting up panels, running to the bank, grocery store, gas station etc. in preparation for an approaching storm.

Once you complete your task list and have your shutters up, the stress will somewhat subside-- right? Well not always. It seems for some, being faced with the completely enclosed, cave-like atmosphere once the shutters are up can be a little uncomfortable if not unsettling.

I couldnt help wanting to know what was going on out there, said Ken Williams of West Palm Beach. You hear all these noises and want to know what damage has been done. You cant see anything so I would open the door periodically, but every time I would, my wife would get upset with me.

This is a common scenario. Additionally as soon as the power goes out there is no light whatsoever, coming in, even if the storm is during the day, since the windows are all covered up.

There are a couple solutions to resolve these claustrophobic and in the dark issues that occur when your home is shuttered up for a storm.

1-Impact resistant windows- Choosing to install new or replace your existing windows with impact resistant windows is one way to go. This is a more expensive option and if something hits the window, the glass can still break but the object doesnt penetrate the window. But you may still have to replace the glass after the storm.

2-Clear Lexan panels- Although the see-through plastic panels are a bit more expensive than metal panels, there are some ways to buy discounted panels. Purchasing online can reduce costs as much as 45-60%, although you have to install them yourself. People have gotten smart about buying a few clear panels to mix in with the metal ones. You dont have to have all clear panels, but can have only a few windows, or a couple of panels mixed with the metal ones. This is a more cost effective way to still accomplish the same goal of being able to see out.

3-Clear Accordion blades- Some accordion shutter manufacturers are now also offering the clear blades in their systems, again permitting the light in. The ends of the accordion blades are aluminum and the center is a clear piece of see-though plastic, strong enough to pass the impact tests. A company in Calhoun, GA is leading the way with manufacturing these clear blades.

Consider some of these options to reduce stress and address the in the dark problem of being shuttered up. These choices can alleviate the issues but still keep you protected.

To learn more about Hurricane Protection Products such as Clear Polycarbonate GE Lexan Panels visit http://www.ClearPanelShutters.com An easy Do-It-Yourselfer home improvement project that adds protection, and can reduce your insurance costs. Manufacturer Direct Pricing.