Signs of Stress
What are the signs of stress? You probably already have your own personal stress gauge. Stress is extremely personal, and so is your reaction to stressful scenarios. Thats why the signs and symptoms of stress tend to vary from person to person. Heres a list of some of the potential symptoms or signs that are commonly associated with the affects of stress.
Signs of Stress
2)Mind Racing
3)Chest Palpitation
4)Problems Concentrating
6)Easily Irritated
7)Avoiding People or Responsibilities
8)Focusing on Negative Thoughts
9)Anger Issues
11)Digestive Problems
12)Muscle Tension and Pain
13)Sleep Issues
15)High Blood Pressure
16)Weight Loss or Gain
17)Skin Problems breakouts, rashes, hives
18)Hair Loss
19)Decreased Sex Drive
20)Nervous Behaviors - nail biting, pacing, teeth grinding
If you experience even three of these symptoms simultaneously, you are probably dealing with a great deal of stress. And all of these symptoms have the potential to harm your health and emotional well-being. If you think your stress is out of your control, consult a doctor. The point is to be pro-active against stress, because if you do nothing to reduce or relieve the stress in your life your health will most certainly be negatively impacted. Can stress make you sick? It sure can. Can stress age you? You know it can.
What triggers stress? Again, it varies from person to person, but it could be one, or a combination of the stress triggers listed above.
Cheryl Bond-Nelms is an Emmy winning broadcast producer, an author and developer of
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