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Monday, February 18, 2008 

Who Else Wants To Be A Six Figure Network Marketer

If you want to be a six figure network marketer you need to know some crucial questions to ask prospects in their first interview and be able to record their answers. This could reveal who will be your next key business leader in your organization.

I like to call my data collection method my prospect profile sheet. At the top of this sheet you should gather all of the general and personal information, such as:
* Interview Date
* Name
* Company
* Mailing Address
* Phone
* Personality traits
* Strengths
* Weaknesses
* Hot Button

One of the main differences between ultra successful (six figure) network marketers and other network marketers is their ability to recognize potential key prospects when they meet them. Most of the big time network marketers have one to four people in their organization that make them 90% of their money.

They do have more people than that in their down-line, but most people who do network marketing are part-timers so the majority of their down-line actually produces a smaller number of sales, when compared to the business one to four key business leaders pulls in.

So, how do you spot these key business leaders? On Your prospect sheet after the general info section you need to list several questions that you can ask each prospect. This will help you determine their abilities and potential.

In this situation, you shut up and let them do most of the talking. You are only listening, and you need to listen well because the information you obtain from them could be crucial to your success. Make sure you write their answers down on your profile sheet so you can compare answers of different prospects and look them over later on if you need to.

The first questions you should ask are: Have you owned a business before? How long have you been in the industry? What company?

If they answer "no" to these questions then I am afraid your prospect is probably not ready for your team. I am not saying they will never be successful, but you don't want to waste your time teaching absolute beginners, you want people who know about and believe in network marketing.

If they answer yes to these questions then you want to ask why they started/wanted a home business? Make sure you get a detailed answer here.

This is a lot of what you are looking for. This is where someone reveals whether they want to make a $100 a month on the side or if they want to be Donald Trump.

A few follow up questions to ask are:
* How are you building your business? What has been your biggest challenge? Why?
* How many people are you sponsoring each week? Size of organization?
* How much money do you invest in your business each month? How much are you making?
* What is your ultimate goal in this industry? (Find out their "why." What will they use the money for?)
* Married? Have any kids? Hobbies? (Find something in common with them.)
* [their name], If there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to give me a call. Here is my number.

And with that, the interview is over and you have some important information to go over and compare with previous prospect interviews. At the bottom of your prospect sheet you should put a couple of follow up dates of when you wish to contact the person again, if they are worthy candidates for your opportunity.

With this information I hope you can successfully categorize and keep track of your prospects information and be able to determine what prospects could become a key leader in your network marketing organization.

From waiting tables to millionaire at 29, Mike Dillard, is a professional marketer who has taught over 100,000 entrepreneurs from around the world how to tap into the power of his attraction marketing techniques. Sign up for his free on-line boot camp at: BuildYourOwnMLM.com